A simple BepInEx plugin to allow custom textures and eye colors to be loaded into: Little Kitty Big City for customizing the player cat.
Place a png into the "Skins" folder of your game install named "Current"
Please ensure any reskin's resolution is: 2048 x 2048 pixels
Edit the EyeColors.txt file with your own hex codes to recolor your eyes
You can press F1 in game to reload texture & colors at any time. Useful to testing.
additional textures are included in the "Skins/extras" folder and belong to other cats in the world, though some have visual issues when applied to the player.
"extras/PaintingMesh.fbx" is an unrigged model of the player cat for use in making your own textures.
The default texture & eye colors match the original appearance. Don't let that confuse you when first testing the mod.