Swatinem / rollup-plugin-dts

A rollup plugin to generate .d.ts rollup files for your typescript project
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
816 stars 71 forks source link

Modify engines.node>=16 #282

Closed curlykay9527 closed 1 year ago

curlykay9527 commented 1 year ago

When using the "engine-strict = true" configuration in .npmrc, it is easy to encounter installation failures for version 6.0.0 if the latest LTS version of Node is not used. Due to the project entering a maintenance state, unless there is a specific requirement to use Node version 18.7.1, it is recommended to set the minimum required Node version to >=16.

Swatinem commented 1 year ago

I’m happy to take a PR that lowers the requirements to >=16.

curlykay9527 commented 1 year ago

renovate[bot] will regularly modify engines.node to the latest version 3cead14ada32de3af636b604efdf4dcf486a2072, which makes the pr #283 invalid. hope to modify the dependency update strategy of renovate [bot] to ignore updates for engines.node.

curlykay9527 commented 1 year ago

I haven't practiced this, so I'm not sure whether to use the "ignorePresets": ["group:nodeJs"] or "ignoreDeps": ["node"] configuration item in the renovate.json file to ignore the automatic update of engines.node.

Hopefully this will give you some help if you're willing to do it. https://docs.renovatebot.com/configuration-options/#ignoredeps https://docs.renovatebot.com/configuration-options/#ignorepresets https://docs.renovatebot.com/presets-group/#groupnodejs

Swatinem commented 1 year ago

Either one of those should be fine really. I will close this issue for now, as https://github.com/Swatinem/rollup-plugin-dts/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#601 was released with a version set to 16. Happy to take further PRs to avoid renovate messing with this, it has been annoying me as well.