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Static Linking doesn't work yet #3

Open helje5 opened 4 years ago

helje5 commented 4 years ago

All the required static libs should be available in the SDK / X toolchain, but I still got linking error. Need to find the right combination of flags.

pokryfka commented 4 years ago

It's on my todo list as well.

@fabianfett post compilation flags he used: https://github.com/swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime/issues/17#issuecomment-600147193

pokryfka commented 4 years ago

I can confirm that adding


fixed static compilation in my setup on swift:5.2-amazonlinux2 docker image with glibc-static.



build with:

swift build --product HelloWorldAPIPerf -c release -Xswiftc -static-executable
helje5 commented 4 years ago

Didn't know about that static-executable-args.lnk file. Might be enough to just put that into the xtoolchain?

helje5 commented 4 years ago

Looks like -static makes the linker not pick up .so links to dynamic libraries. But some (like libuuid) only exist as dynamic libraries. Or in other words, even when linking statically, this still needs to build a dynamically linked binary.

pokryfka commented 4 years ago

I did a quick test last week, it worked, it did noticeably improve cold start, QED.

Revisited it today with partial success.

Looks like -static makes the linker not pick up .so links to dynamic libraries. But some (like libuuid) only exist as dynamic libraries. Or in other words, even when linking statically, this still needs to build a dynamically linked binary.

static-stdlib settings, as defined in /usr/lib/swift_static/linux/static-stdlib-args.lnk link statically some libraries and dynamically others.


all static

# swift build --product HelloWorldAPIPerf -c release -Xswiftc -static-executable -Xswiftc -lDispatchStubs

# ldd .build/release/HelloWorldAPIPerf
    not a dynamic executable

static + dyn

# swift build --product HelloWorldAPIPerf -c release -Xswiftc -static-stdlib -Xswiftc -lDispatchStubs

# ldd .build/release/HelloWorldAPIPerf
    linux-vdso.so.1 (0x00007ffe86d83000)
    libpthread.so.0 => /lib64/libpthread.so.0 (0x00007fcf0011f000)
    libutil.so.1 => /lib64/libutil.so.1 (0x00007fcefff1c000)
    libdl.so.2 => /lib64/libdl.so.2 (0x00007fceffd18000)
    libm.so.6 => /lib64/libm.so.6 (0x00007fceff9d8000)
    libstdc++.so.6 => /lib64/libstdc++.so.6 (0x00007fceff656000)
    libgcc_s.so.1 => /lib64/libgcc_s.so.1 (0x00007fceff440000)
    libc.so.6 => /lib64/libc.so.6 (0x00007fceff095000)
    /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x00007fcf02750000)

static + dyn including libuuid

# swift build --product HelloWorldAPIPerf -c release -Xswiftc -static-stdlib -Xswiftc -lDispatchStubs -Xlinker -export-dynamic -Xlinker -luuid

# ldd .build/release/HelloWorldAPIPerf
    linux-vdso.so.1 (0x00007ffdb1faa000)
    libpthread.so.0 => /lib64/libpthread.so.0 (0x00007f1d13fad000)
    libutil.so.1 => /lib64/libutil.so.1 (0x00007f1d13daa000)
    libdl.so.2 => /lib64/libdl.so.2 (0x00007f1d13ba6000)
    libm.so.6 => /lib64/libm.so.6 (0x00007f1d13866000)
    libstdc++.so.6 => /lib64/libstdc++.so.6 (0x00007f1d134e4000)
    libuuid.so.1 => /lib64/libuuid.so.1 (0x00007f1d132df000)
    libgcc_s.so.1 => /lib64/libgcc_s.so.1 (0x00007f1d130c9000)
    libc.so.6 => /lib64/libc.so.6 (0x00007f1d12d1e000)
    /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x00007f1d165de000)

all dyn

# swift build --product HelloWorldAPIPerf -c release

# bash-4.2# ldd .build/release/HelloWorldAPIPerf
    linux-vdso.so.1 (0x00007ffd59791000)
    libswiftCore.so => /usr/lib/swift/linux/libswiftCore.so (0x00007fe697755000)
    libswiftGlibc.so => /usr/lib/swift/linux/libswiftGlibc.so (0x00007fe6981ca000)
    libpthread.so.0 => /lib64/libpthread.so.0 (0x00007fe697537000)
    libutil.so.1 => /lib64/libutil.so.1 (0x00007fe697334000)
    libdl.so.2 => /lib64/libdl.so.2 (0x00007fe697130000)
    libm.so.6 => /lib64/libm.so.6 (0x00007fe696df0000)
    libswiftDispatch.so => /usr/lib/swift/linux/libswiftDispatch.so (0x00007fe698190000)
    libdispatch.so => /usr/lib/swift/linux/libdispatch.so (0x00007fe696b90000)
    libBlocksRuntime.so => /usr/lib/swift/linux/libBlocksRuntime.so (0x00007fe69698d000)
    libgcc_s.so.1 => /lib64/libgcc_s.so.1 (0x00007fe696777000)
    libc.so.6 => /lib64/libc.so.6 (0x00007fe6963cc000)
    libicui18nswift.so.65 => /usr/lib/swift/linux/libicui18nswift.so.65 (0x00007fe695ea4000)
    libicuucswift.so.65 => /usr/lib/swift/linux/libicuucswift.so.65 (0x00007fe695a9d000)
    libicudataswift.so.65 => /usr/lib/swift/linux/libicudataswift.so.65 (0x00007fe693dee000)
    libstdc++.so.6 => /lib64/libstdc++.so.6 (0x00007fe693a6c000)
    /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x00007fe697fbd000)
    librt.so.1 => /lib64/librt.so.1 (0x00007fe693864000)

Now I guess I should have mentioned that and it does make big difference, HelloWorldAPIPerf does not use Foundation.

So while the approach above should be useful, I have not yet done it with Foundation.

helje5 commented 4 years ago

Yes, I was specifically trying with Foundation (with static linking there should be very little reason to avoid it in the first place). This introduces the problematic libuuid dependency.

I should eventually disable SIP and check what the linker is actually doing. Not sure when I'll find the time.

helje5 commented 4 years ago

Hm, why is --export-dynamic required, that feels wrong 🤔

helje5 commented 3 years ago

FWIW, AFAIK Swift 5.3 brought static linking fixes, which might solve the whole Radar. Need to figure out the required flags.


-static-stdlib: only statically link Swift stdlib, Foundation, Dispatch, but not ICU -static-executable: self contained executable

So we probably need the first when building for a regular Ubuntu and the latter for Amazon Linux 🤔

helje5 commented 3 years ago

swift lambda already specifies both, -Xswiftc -static-stdlib -Xswiftc -static-executable, not sure which one wins :-) But a build doesn't go through for other reasons:

<module-includes>:5:10: note: in file included from <module-includes>:5:
#include "private_includes/utmp.h"
/usr/local/lib/swift/dst/x86_64-unknown-linux/swift-5.3-amazonlinux2.xtoolchain/x86_64-amazonlinux2.sdk/usr/lib/swift/linux/x86_64/private_includes/utmp.h:1:10: note: in file included from /usr/local/lib/swift/dst/x86_64-unknown-linux/swift-5.3-amazonlinux2.xtoolchain/x86_64-amazonlinux2.sdk/usr/lib/swift/linux/x86_64/private_includes/utmp.h:1:
#include <utmp.h>

Which we have in


Note sure why this works for dynamic, but not for static. The include is from the glibc.modulemap which is present in both, SDK and toolchain.

helje5 commented 3 years ago

utmp.h doesn't actually seem to be missing, it is stddef.h.

It gets a little further when specifying -Xswiftc -I -Xswiftc /usr/local/lib/swift/dst/x86_64-unknown-linux/swift-5.3-amazonlinux2.xtoolchain/x86_64-amazonlinux2.sdk/usr/include/linux, but ends up in redefinition errors.

benrosen78 commented 1 year ago

Hi there, has there been any new success with getting Foundation to compile statically for AWS lambdas?

helje5 commented 1 year ago

That's something @fabianfett might be able to answer. I think it is possible, but maybe not with the current SPMDestinations toolchain version, that needs an update eventually.