Swyter / sphinxtools

Unpackers and modding tools for the GameCube version of the «Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy» game.
MIT License
9 stars 1 forks source link


You can download the latest precompiled version of the tools from here.

Unpackers and modding tools for the GameCube version of the «Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy» game.


The game files are all packed inside an uncompressed container file called Filelist.000. The game engine actually reads a small binary descriptor file called Filelist.bin, which contains a table mapping various internal hash codes with their original internal filenames, lengths and (one or more) container numbers with their respective offset/position inside every container. Those packed files tend to appear sector-aligned, and they are often duplicated in two or more places inside of the same container file to improve disk seek times.

As far as I can, tell only the PlayStation 2 version of the game splits the game files in more than one container (Filelist.000 and Filelist.001), also the PlayStation 2 and XBOX fields are stored in reversed byte-order (little-endian), while GameCube uses big-endian. This tool should comply with all the different variants.

I have sucessfully extracted the contents of the GameCube, PlayStation 2 and XBOX versions.

How to use

My extractor is written in simple C99 with some UNIX functions, which require Linux, Mac or BSD to compile, even if you could compile it as a Windows executable with some small changes.

Compile the C file like this with your favourite Linux compiler (GCC or Clang):

gcc sphinx_filelistbin_extract.c -o sphinx_filelistbin_extract

Copy all the Filelist.bin, Filelist.000, ... files from your original game disk. That's all you need.

Place them in the same folder than the extractor. Run the extractor in your Terminal:

./sphinx_filelistbin_extract Filelist.bin

The unpacked files will appear in the current directory as subfolders named as the original Windows hard drive letters (either x:, or d:) used by Eurocom.

Internal EngineX file formats

Here is a rundown of the unpacked contents of the game. Sorted by extension.

Reverse-engineering status

All formats are documented as 010 Editor binary templates.