Sylius / ShopApiPlugin

Shop API for Sylius.
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There is no extension able to load the configuration for "sylius_customer" (in "/var/www/html/vendor/sylius/shop-api-plugin/src/Resources/config/app/config.yml") #730

Closed Lreus closed 2 years ago

Lreus commented 2 years ago


I am starting a fresh symfony skeleton project 5.4. After requiring with composer the sylius/shop-api-plugin and followed the documentation step 2 Extend config files:, I have got an error preventing me to go to step 3 Lexik configuration :

There is no extension able to load the configuration for "sylius_customer" (in "/var/www/html/vendor/sylius/shop-api-plugin/src/Resources/config/app/config.yml"). Looked for namespace "sylius_customer", found ""framework", "doc
trine", "doctrine_migrations", "debug", "twig", "web_profiler", "twig_extra", "security", "monolog", "maker", "sensio_framework_extra", "sonata_doctrine", "sonata_form", "winzou_state_machine", "jms_serializer", "bazinga_hateoa
s", "swiftmailer", "sylius_theme", "fos_rest", "babdev_pagerfanta", "sylius_resource", "sylius_mailer", "sylius_grid", "sylius_fixtures", "sylius_calendar", "sylius_labs_doctrine_migrations_extra", "stof_doctrine_extensions", "
sonata_block", "payum", "liip_imagine", "lexik_jwt_authentication", "knp_menu", "knp_gaufrette", "api_platform", "sylius_shop_api", "white_october_pagerfanta"" in /var/www/html/vendor/sylius/shop-api-plugin/src/Resources/config
/app/config.yml (which is being imported from "/var/www/html/config/packages/_sylius_shop_api.yaml").

This seems to be related with the config/packages/_sylius_shop_api.yaml importing configuration Could you help me found what I missed ?

Many thanks in advance

diimpp commented 2 years ago

Hello @Lreus,

try starting your project with and then installing this plugin.

It looks like some miss-configuration in your installation, which is impossible to debug remotely.

Lreus commented 2 years ago

Hi @diimpp thanks for helping,

It was indeed my big mistake not to start with Sylius/Sylius-standard. Besides, I had the luck to rely on somebody much more experimented who told me that the api component is also part of Sylius-standard.

mamazu commented 2 years ago

I am a little confused should the sylius/customer package not be installed as a dependency of sylius/sylius? And sylius/sylius is a direct dependency of the shopapi package.

diimpp commented 2 years ago

Yes, it looks like most of the sylius/sylius is not loaded, I would guess config/bundles.php is simply not set correctly and bundles are not loaded.

mamazu commented 2 years ago

That might be it. In the tests/Application/config/bundles.php there is an entry for that bundle but maybe not if just cleanly installed outside somewhere.