Sytten / Facebook-Messenger-Desktop

Bring to your OS X, Windows or Linux desktop.
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Windows 10 Messenger App Not Playing Voice Messages #44

Open 19darion91 opened 8 years ago

19darion91 commented 8 years ago

So yeah... The app doesn't load voice messages - a.k.a it just keeps loading them, but it doesn't play them at all... Just the loading symbol is there. This is an issue I encountered on Windows 10 Pro 64bit. If anyone uses it on other system please check if the issue is there and leave a comment with an Yes or No answer and your system. Cheers!

Sytten commented 8 years ago

Yep known issue, should be resolved in the next official release on the original repo. Working on it.

Sytten commented 8 years ago

Should be resolved, but I won't close the issue since its a manual process that still needs to be scripted.