Szpadel / chrome-headless-render-pdf

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AWS Lambda #47

Closed Prinzhorn closed 5 years ago

Prinzhorn commented 5 years ago

This is just for people like me who are trying to get this to work on Lambda. Now there's a search result, yay.

I'm using the binary from

I had to add a few flags to make it run:

  chromeBinary: 'bin/headless-chromium-you-have-downloaded',
  chromeOptions: ['--disable-dev-shm-usage', '--no-zygote', '--single-process', '--no-sandbox']


sb39 commented 3 years ago

@Prinzhorn can you include the steps ? I am using but have no idea actually how to use it on the runtime

Prinzhorn commented 3 years ago

I am using

I'm not using layers, I literally just had the binary in my project and pointed chromeBinary to it

I've switched to and it works out of the box. Having access to puppeteer gives you all the options you need.

sb39 commented 3 years ago

Do you have any sample snippet which I can refer. I can't install pupetter on aws lambda, its over 250mb. My package is not getting uploaded. So needed an alternative

Prinzhorn commented 3 years ago

I'm literally using

Prinzhorn commented 3 years ago

It's puppeteer-core, I have puppeteer as devDependencies so it's used only locally