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FTL - Towards a 𝝺-calculus for large-scale systems
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Refactor `go-runtime/encoding` into a general purpose JSON package #1461

Open alecthomas opened 4 months ago

alecthomas commented 4 months ago

Unfortunately the standard encoding/json is completely inflexible and doesn't support our requirements sufficiently. There may be a JSON package that does, so a good first step would be to do some research, but I wasn't able to find any.

Let's completely decouple this from FTL, so we can potentially spin it off into its own package at some point like we did with scaffolder.

We have two use cases for this package, so it will have to be flexible enough to be used in both scenarios:

  1. Internally as the transport encoding we use for verb-to-verb calls.
  2. For users of the Go FTL SDK.

For internal use these are the requirements:

For Go FTL runtime users these are the requirements:

The library should be designed such that all of these options are configurable per encoder/decoder instance. The transport encoding will instantiate a custom encoder/decoder. There should also be a global default encoder and decoder configured for "normal" use, with global functions that use them, and support for registering custom types.

Note that there may be additional requirements not listed initially, we'll discuss and update accordingly.

I think functional options make sense for this API. Something like:

type EncoderOption func(o *encoderOptions) error

type encoderOptions struct {
  encoders map[reflect.Type]func(any) ([]byte, error)
  renamer func(string) string

func WithEncoder[T any](enc func(v any) ([]byte, error)) EncoderOption
func WithFieldRenamer(renamer func(string) string) EncoderOption
// etc.

func NewEncoder(options...Option) *Encoder
alecthomas commented 4 months ago

@deniseli we think we need to reassess the difficulty of a bunch of quite a few issues, so let's talk next week or tomorrow

deniseli commented 4 months ago

@alecthomas sounds good!