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Tutorials and Examples for TBD Projects
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[RFC] 2 WIP: Documentation Framework #5

Open frankhinek opened 2 years ago

frankhinek commented 2 years ago


Proposal to adopt a documentation structure that organizes material along two axes of knowledge, theory/practice and acquisition/application, with four distinct types: tutorials, how-to guides, technical reference and explanation.

Context and Scope

This proposal is heavily influenced by the Diátaxis systematic framework for technical documentation authoring by Daniele Procida used under CC BY. Rather than paraphrasing the author's thorough research and writing on the subject of technical documentation authoring, I'll quote directly from the framework and would encourage community members to visit the Diátaxis site to learn more. Daniela maintains a long list of projects, products, and organizations that have adopted this framework.

The problem of structure

Of all the problems that bedevil authors and maintainers of documentation, the problem of structure is one that accounts for a significant proportion of the grief they suffer. Multiple different documentation architectures exist that try to provide a solution to this problem. Any orderly attempt to organize documentation into clear content categories will help improve it (for authors as well as users).

However, even when armed with a helpful structure, authors often find themselves needing to write particular documentation content that seems to falls outside the scheme it provides, or across its internal boundaries. organizing material this way is that it provides both clear expectations (to the reader) and guidance (to the author). It’s clear what the purpose of any particular piece of content is, it specifies how it should be written and it shows where it should be placed.

The map

Diátaxis aims to solve this problem by providing a scheme that prescribes documentation structure based on a systematic description and analysis of user needs (and not upon the characteristics of the product documentation is intended to serve, or around the different kinds of things that the documentation creator feels need to be said about the product).

Diátaxis provides a map of distinct documentation types rather than a mere list, and specifies these types in such a way that the structure always naturally helps shape the content into an appropriate form.

Axes of knowledge

It’s important to understand that Diátaxis is intended to apply to documentation pertaining to a practical craft, a technical skill - such as the use of a product. Successful exercise of any such craft or skill involves both theoretical grasp (knowledge and understanding), and an ability to apply that in practice, to work with the tools and materials of the craft.

Diátaxis divides documentation across two axes of knowledge: theory/practice, and acquisition/application.

Documentation therefore either contains theoretical knowledge or describes practical actions, and is concerned either with serving our acquisition or our application of knowledge. Hence the map, across which the four forms of documentation are laid out:


Characteristics of documentation

A clear advantage of organizing material this way is that it provides both clear expectations (to the reader) and guidance (to the author). It's clear what the purpose of any particular piece of content is, it specifies how it should be written and it shows where it should be placed.

Tutorials How-to guides Reference Explanation
what they do introduce, educate, lead guide, demonstrate state, describe, inform state, describe, inform explain, clarify, discuss
answers the question "Can you teach me to...?" "How do I...?" "What is...?" "Why...?"
oriented to learning tasks information understanding
purpose to allow the newcomer to get started to show how to solve a specific problem to describe the machinery to explain
form a lesson a series of steps dry description discursive explanation
analogy teaching a child how to cook a recipe in a cook book a reference encyclopedia article an article on culinary social history

Each piece of content is of a kind that not only has one particular job to do, that job is also clearly distinguished from and contrasted with the other functions of documentation.

Collapse of the structure

Most documentation systems and authors recognize at least some of these distinctions and try to observe them in practice. However, there is a kind of natural affinity between each of the different forms of documentation and its neighbors on the map, and a natural tendency to blur the distinctions (that can be seen repeatedly in examples of documentation).

  • tutorials and how-to guides both describe practical steps
  • how-to guides and technical reference are both concerned with the application of knowledge
  • reference and explanation both contain theoretical knowledge
  • tutorials and explanation are both concerned with the acquisition of knowledge

Allowing these distinctions to blur is what brings about structural problems. The most common is a complete or partial collapse of tutorials and how-to guides into each other, while explanation spills over into both tutorials and reference material.

The cycle of interaction

Diátaxis is intended to help documentation better serve users in their cycle of interaction with a product.

This phrase should not be understood too literally. It is not the case that a user must encounter the different kinds of documentation in the order tutorials > how-to guides > technical reference > explanation. In practice, an actual user may enter the documentation anywhere in search of guidance on some particular subject, and what they want to read will change from moment to moment as they use your documentation.

However, the idea of a cycle of documentation needs, that proceeds through different phases, is sound and corresponds to the way that people actually do become expert in a craft. There is a sense and meaning to this ordering.

  • learning-oriented phase: We begin by learning, and learning a skill means diving straight in to do it - under the guidance of a teacher, if we're lucky
  • task-oriented phase: Next we want to put the skill to work.
  • information-oriented phase: As soon as our work calls upon knowledge that we don't already have in our head, it requires us to consult technical reference.
  • explanation-oriented phase: Finally, away from the work, we reflect on our practice and knowledge to understand the whole.

And then it's back to the beginning, perhaps for a new thing to grasp, or to penetrate deeper.




This proposal is still a work in progress pending feedback and discussion with TBD and community members on the concepts of philosophy of how to organize and structure technical documentation. This proposal will be updated as we iterate and form consensus.

To realize the goal of making it easy to contribute tutorials and how-to guides by following a common template, the following outlines are proposed. These initial template can serve as prototypes to iterate on and get feedback from the community. The templates and accompanying guides were created and published by The Good Docs Project and used under the Zero-Clause BSD license.

Tutorial Template

How To guide Template

Definition of Success

Open Questions

  1. How is TBD thinking about where and how to incorporate community-contributed tutorials, etc. into developer.tbd.website? Presently, educational content is published to both the Learn and Blog sections. Should a new section be added? Should Learn be modified?
saeedjabbar commented 2 years ago

Excellent write up! I do think Learn should be modified for education content. The current content on learn seems more appropriate for the Blog.