TC01 / Treemaker

My extensible-but-not-too-general treemaker for CMS analyses.
MIT License
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Running on the grid (via crab3 API?) #30

Open TC01 opened 9 years ago

TC01 commented 9 years ago

In addition to submitting to local batch systems, it might be... interesting... to be able to submit Treemaker jobs to crab.

This would require a bit of doing. The main thing is, crab and cmssw understand how to run over a real dataset but not just some random files in a directory somewhere. At least, that's how I understand it. And Treemaker currently only supports the latter.

We could implement the ability to run Treemaker over DBS API queries, too. All things to look at when I actually have time, which is to say... uh... "eventually".

TC01 commented 8 years ago

Well, the xrootd/das stuff has been taken care of, but actually running on the grid is still a ways off.