TEIC / Stylesheets

TEI XSL Stylesheets
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Revise our processing of Release Note README xml files #642

Open ebeshero opened 8 months ago

ebeshero commented 8 months ago

Currently, profiles/readme at https://github.com/TEIC/Stylesheets/tree/dev/profiles/readme contains a couple of to.xsl files that generate output of HTML and text versions of the Release Readme files. These process the folder of Readme XML files in TEI Guidelines repo in https://github.com/TEIC/TEI/tree/dev/P5/ReleaseNotes

The HTML and/or text output from this process may prove useful for automatic updates of our Release Notes direct to our website. The stylesheet generates a collection of output files named according to release number. It could be tweaked to output a single page containing a linked directory of our Release notes that can be automatically updated during our release process.

ebeshero commented 8 months ago

I'm assigning a bunch of us to this ticket to ensure that it's seen so we can discuss it. It's not urgent--just an idea that may be helpful for the new website under development.