The Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines
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issue deprecation warning when assertion is made without context #2513

Closed sydb closed 6 months ago

sydb commented 9 months ago

Work on #2510.

Since this does not use the @validUntil deprecation mechanism, does it need to be added to Appendix G by hand?

I chose 2024-06-30 as end-of-deprecation date on my own accord. But since there is basically no difference between deprecation and error, here (although I suppose we could add role=warning), should we just go straight to error?

Anyway, it passes all tests on my local system both in & out of docker.

Reviewers: You will definitely want to ignore whitespace if you try comparing code. (Other than the code of <constraintSpec>, it is mostly a kinda pointless activity, IMHO.)

sydb commented 9 months ago

P.S. Since after this almost all Schematron was expressed with a namespace prefix (e.g., <sch:assert>) rather than an explicit namespace binding (e.g. <assert xmlns="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron">), I changed the last few, as well. So now all Schematron in the Source/ directory uses namespace prefixes.

martinascholger commented 6 months ago

@martindholmes the tests are passing now, could you please have a look at it?

martinascholger commented 6 months ago

Thanks @martindholmes for the quick review. You are right, different changes should not be tackled all at once. We are trying to stick to our policy better.