TGWeaver / CDDA-Sky-Islands

A raid-based gameplay overhaul mod for CDDA
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Failed missions remain "stuck" in quest log #26

Open Terrorforge opened 1 year ago

Terrorforge commented 1 year ago


Here's a screenshot of me on the Sky Island. I have "Kill the warp-draining zombie horde lord" and "Kill 3 nether creatures this expedition" still in my log. The zombie horde lord has been with me for several expeditions, the nether creatures one I only just noticed when I went to take that screenshot.

Unfortunately I have no idea how to reproduce this bug. I did die a couple of times, but I have no idea if that correlates to when I got the "stuck" missions. I'll try to keep an eye on it and try to catch it the next time it happens.

Terrorforge commented 1 year ago

Update: I haven't been able to pinpoint the exact cause, but I now have a whole bunch of stuck missions, all of which are "kill the warp-draining zombie [blank]": image

As mentioned I did have a "kill X nether creatures" one stuck at one point, but those will inevitably get cleared.

Terrorforge commented 1 year ago

image This is on a new character. The "kill X zombies" missions are also getting stuck, quite consistently. Guess I was clearing them faster than I was getting them previously.