TI-Toolkit / tokens

TI-BASIC token information XMLs for inclusion in other projects
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Defining correspondences to on-calculator display #12

Closed tari closed 1 year ago

tari commented 1 year ago

In one of my projects (not currently published anywhere), I've wanted to define canonical token representations that use the full range of Unicode to display text as closely as possible to how it appears on a calculator while also preserving semantics.

I've been working with a tokens XML file which usefully specifies <alt> strings for tokens so it's easy to treat the non-alternate string for each token as canonical, and I've developed this mapping from Unicode strings to calculator character set based on the combination of token semantics and actual use of characters on monochrome calculators:

    ("\0", 0x00),
    ("𝑛", 0x01), // U+1D45B mathematical italic small N
    ("𝗎", 0x02), // U+1D5CE mathematical sans-serif small U
    ("𝗏", 0x03), // U+1D5CF mathematical sans-serif small V
    /* preceding U and V are the same as regular ASCII in both the large and small fonts,
    but this W is half-width in the small font */
    ("𝗐", 0x04),   // U+1D5D0 mathematical sans-serif small W
    ("►", 0x05),    // U+25BA black right-pointing pointer
    ("🠽", 0x06),   // U+1F83D upwards compressed arrow
    ("🠿", 0x07),   // U+1F83F downwards compressed arrow
    ("∫", 0x08),    // U+222B integral
    ("×", 0x09),     // U+00D7 multiplication sign
    ("□", 0x0A),    // U+25A1 white square
    ("﹢", 0x0B),    // U+FE62 small plus sign
    ("·", 0x0C),     // U+00B7 middle dot
    ("ᴛ", 0x0D),    // U+1D1B latin letter small capital T
    ("³", 0x0E),     // U+00B3 superscript three
    ("𝔽", 0x0F),   // U+1D53D mathematical double-struck capital F (seems unused by any tokens)
    ("√", 0x10),    // U+221A square root
    ("⁻¹", 0x11),  // U+207B superscript minus, U+00B9 superscript one
    ("²", 0x12),     // U+00B2 superscript two
    ("∠", 0x13),    // U+2220 angle
    ("°", 0x14),     // U+00B0 degree sign
    ("ʳ", 0x15),     // U+02B3 modifier letter small R
    ("ᵀ", 0x16),    // U+1D40 modifier letter capital T
    ("≤", 0x17),    // U+2264 less-than or equal to
    ("≠", 0x18),    // U+2260 not equal to
    ("≥", 0x19),    // U+2265 greater-than or equal to
    ("⁻", 0x1A),    // U+207B superscript minus
    ("ᴇ", 0x1B),    // U+1D07 latin letter small capital E
    ("→", 0x1C),    // U+2192 rightwards arrow
    ("₁₀", 0x1D), // U+2081 subscript one, U+2080 subscript zero
    ("↑", 0x1E),    // U+2191 upwards arrow
    ("↓", 0x1F),    // U+2193 downwards arrow
    (" ", 0x20),
    ("!", 0x21),
    ("\"", 0x22),
    ("#", 0x23),
    ("⁴", 0x24), // U+2074 superscript four
    ("%", 0x25),
    ("&", 0x26),
    ("'", 0x27),
    ("(", 0x28),
    (")", 0x29),
    ("*", 0x2A),
    ("+", 0x2B),
    (",", 0x2C),
    ("-", 0x2D),
    (".", 0x2E),
    ("/", 0x2F),
    ("0", 0x30),
    ("1", 0x31),
    ("2", 0x32),
    ("3", 0x33),
    ("4", 0x34),
    ("5", 0x35),
    ("6", 0x36),
    ("7", 0x37),
    ("8", 0x38),
    ("9", 0x39),
    (":", 0x3A),
    (";", 0x3B),
    ("<", 0x3C),
    ("=", 0x3D),
    (">", 0x3E),
    ("?", 0x3F),
    ("@", 0x40),
    ("A", 0x41),
    ("B", 0x42),
    ("C", 0x43),
    ("D", 0x44),
    ("E", 0x45),
    ("F", 0x46),
    ("G", 0x47),
    ("H", 0x48),
    ("I", 0x49),
    ("J", 0x4A),
    ("K", 0x4B),
    ("L", 0x4C),
    ("M", 0x4D),
    ("N", 0x4E),
    ("O", 0x4F),
    ("P", 0x50),
    ("Q", 0x51),
    ("R", 0x52),
    ("S", 0x53),
    ("T", 0x54),
    ("U", 0x55),
    ("V", 0x56),
    ("W", 0x57),
    ("X", 0x58),
    ("Y", 0x59),
    ("Z", 0x5A),
    ("θ", 0x5B), // U+03B8 greek small letter theta
    ("\\", 0x5C),
    ("]", 0x5D),
    ("^", 0x5E),
    ("_", 0x5F),
    ("‛", 0x60), // U+201B single high-reversed-9 quotation mark
    ("a", 0x61),
    ("b", 0x62),
    ("c", 0x63),
    ("d", 0x64),
    ("e", 0x65),
    ("f", 0x66),
    ("g", 0x67),
    ("h", 0x68),
    ("i", 0x69),
    ("j", 0x6a),
    ("k", 0x6b),
    ("l", 0x6c),
    ("m", 0x6d),
    ("n", 0x6e),
    ("o", 0x6f),
    ("p", 0x70),
    ("q", 0x71),
    ("r", 0x72),
    ("s", 0x73),
    ("t", 0x74),
    ("u", 0x75),
    ("v", 0x76),
    ("w", 0x77),
    ("x", 0x78),
    ("y", 0x79),
    ("z", 0x7a),
    ("{", 0x7b),
    ("|", 0x7c),
    ("}", 0x7d),
    ("~", 0x7e),
    ("⍯", 0x7f), // U+236F APL functional symbol quad not equal (never appears in tokens)
    ("₀", 0x80), // U+2080 subscript zero
    ("₁", 0x81),
    ("₂", 0x82),
    ("₃", 0x83),
    ("₄", 0x84),
    ("₅", 0x85),
    ("₆", 0x86),
    ("₇", 0x87),
    ("₈", 0x88),
    ("₉", 0x89), // .. U+2089 subscript nine
    ("Á", 0x8a),  // U+00C1 latin capital letter A with acute
    ("À", 0x8b),  // U+00C0 latin capital letter A with grave
    ("Â", 0x8c),  // U+00C2 latin capital letter A with circumflex
    ("Ä", 0x8d),  // U+00C4 latin capital letter A with diaeresis
    ("á", 0x8e),  // .. latin-1 supplement continues
    ("à", 0x8f),
    ("â", 0x90),
    ("ä", 0x91),
    ("É", 0x92),
    ("È", 0x93),
    ("Ê", 0x94),
    ("Ë", 0x95),
    ("é", 0x96),
    ("è", 0x97),
    ("ê", 0x98),
    ("ë", 0x99),
    ("Í", 0x9a),
    ("Ì", 0x9b),
    ("Î", 0x9c),
    ("Ï", 0x9d),
    ("í", 0x9e),
    ("ì", 0x9f),
    ("î", 0xa0),
    ("ï", 0xa1),
    ("Ó", 0xa2),
    ("Ò", 0xa3),
    ("Ô", 0xa4),
    ("Ö", 0xa5),
    ("ó", 0xa6),
    ("ò", 0xa7),
    ("ô", 0xa8),
    ("ö", 0xa9),
    ("Ú", 0xaa),
    ("Ù", 0xab),
    ("Û", 0xac),
    ("Ü", 0xad),
    ("ú", 0xae),
    ("ù", 0xaf),
    ("û", 0xb0),
    ("ü", 0xb1),
    ("Ç", 0xb2),
    ("ç", 0xb3),
    ("Ñ", 0xb4),
    ("ñ", 0xb5),
    ("´", 0xb6), // U+00B4 acute accent
    ("`", 0xb7),  // U+0060 grave accent
    ("¨", 0xb8),
    ("¿", 0xb9),
    ("¡", 0xba),
    ("α", 0xbb), // U+03B1 Greek small letter alpha
    ("β", 0xbc), // U+03B2 Greek small letter beta
    ("γ", 0xbd), // U+03B3 Greek small letter gamma
    ("Δ", 0xbe), // U+0394 Greek capital letter delta
    ("δ", 0xbf), // U+03B4 Greek small letter delta
    ("ε", 0xc0), // U+03B5 Greek small letter epsilon
    ("[", 0xc1),
    ("λ", 0xc2),  // U+03BB Greek small letter lambda
    ("μ", 0xc3),  // U+03BC Greek small letter mu
    ("π", 0xc4),  // U+03C0 Greek small letter pi
    ("ρ", 0xc5),  // U+03C1 Greek small letter rho
    ("Σ", 0xc6),  // U+03A3 Greek capital letter sigma
    ("σ", 0xc7),  // U+03C3 Greek small letter sigma
    ("τ", 0xc8),  // U+03C4 Greek small letter tau
    ("Φ", 0xc9),  // U+03A6 Greek capital letter phi
    ("Ω", 0xca),  // U+03A9 Greek capital letter omega
    ("x̄", 0xcb), // x, U+0305 combining overline
    ("ȳ", 0xcc),  // U+0233 latin small letter Y with macron
    ("ˣ", 0xcd),  // U+02E3 modifier letter small X
    ("…", 0xce), // U+2026 horizontal ellipsis
    ("◄", 0xcf), // U+25C4 black left-pointing pointer
    ("■", 0xd0), // U+25A0 black square (unused by any token?)
    ("∕", 0xd1), // U+2215 division slash (unused by any token?)
    ("‐", 0xd2), // U+2010 hyphen (unused by any token)
    /* 0xd3 is a superscript two, but not exactly the same as 0x12 in the large font.
     * Doesn't seem to be used in any tokens; appears used for displaying computed area. */
    ("\u{f83d3}", 0xd3),
    ("˚", 0xd4), /* U+02DA ring above. Used to represent temperature, rather than angular
                   * degrees like 0x14. Looks similar, but smaller. */
    /* 0xd5 is a superscript three, same as 0x03. Possibly used for area and volume like 0xd3,
     * but never used in tokens. */
    ("\u{f83d5}", 0xd5),
    /* 0xd6 unused; unallocated in small font */
    ("\u{f83d6}", 0xd6),
    ("𝑖", 0xd7), // U+1D456 mathematical italic small I
    ("p̂", 0xd8),  // p, U+0302 combining circumflex accent
    ("χ", 0xd9),   // U+03C7 greek small letter chi
    ("𝙵", 0xda), // U+1D675 mathematical monospace capital F
    ("𝑒", 0xdb), // U+1D452 mathematical italic small E (Euler's number)
    ("ʟ", 0xdc),   // U+029F latin letter small capital L (list name prefix)
    ("𝗡", 0xdd), // U+1D5E1 mathematical sans-serif bold capital N
    ("⸩", 0xde),  // U+2E29 right double parenthesis
    ("⮕", 0xdf),  // U+2B95 rightwards black arrow
    // e0 through ee are used as cursors and don't appear in tokens
    ("█", 0xe0), // U+2588 full block
    ("\u{f83e1}", 0xe1),
    ("\u{f83e2}", 0xe2),
    ("\u{f83e3}", 0xe3),
    ("\u{f83e4}", 0xe4),
    ("\u{f83e5}", 0xe5),
    ("\u{f83e6}", 0xe6),
    ("\u{f83e7}", 0xe7),
    ("╲", 0xe8), // U+2572 box drawings light diagonal upper left to lower right
    ("\u{f83e9}", 0xe9),
    ("◥", 0xea), // U+25E5 black upper right triangle
    ("◣", 0xeb), // U+25E3 black lower left triangle
    ("⊸", 0xec), // U+22B8 multimap
    ("∘", 0xed), // U+2218 ring operator
    ("⋱", 0xee), // U+22F1 down right diagonal ellipsis
    /* Compare EF and F0 to 06 and 07: the tail on EF/F0 is one pixel longer
     * than on 06/07, so the latter are encoded as compressed arrows. */
    ("🡅", 0xef), // U+1F845 upwards heavy arrow
    ("🡇", 0xf0), // U+1F847 downwards heavy arrow
    ("░", 0xf1),  // U+2591 light shade
    ("$", 0xf2),
    ("🡁", 0xf3), // U+1F841 upwards heavy compressed arrow
    ("ß", 0xf4),   // U+00DF latin small letter sharp S
    ("\u{f83f5}", 0xf5),
    ("⁄", 0xf6), // U+2044 fraction slash (MathPrint)
                   /* remaining bytes are unused and render as a 3x3 pixel filled box */

Although many of the Unicode versions are a single character, a few calculator characters have no direct equivalent in Unicode so are represented with a sequence of characters (such as character 0x1d), and for a few symbols that are used mainly as graphical elements (not appearing in any tokens) I've opted to use a portion of a Unicode private use area at U+F8300..U+F83FF.

The corresponding token definition changes are fairly minor, mostly ensuring that the canonical version of each token uses the semantically-correct Unicode version, like replacing many lower-case ws with U+1D5D0. Here's the diff of my XML to adopt these mappings (though I'm not certain that alone is all the changes I made): tokens.patch.txt

In my application there's also validation that the canonical string for each token can be displayed entirely with the calculator character set, which is fairly simply validation but seems like the most important property of having a canonicalization.

I suggest that this token format should have a way to specify a string version of each token that matches a defined unicode-to-calculator correspondence, and propose the one I've developed as that correspondence.

adriweb commented 1 year ago


I was wondering, hasn't @jacobly0 also established some kind of similar mapping for his font? Trying some of your unicode characters seems to produce the expected glyph anyway :)

tari commented 1 year ago

I did refer to Jacobly's TICELarge while developing this, or at least the code has a comment that refers to it as well as a few other sources (like the large font table from 83pa28d). They differ in some choices mostly because I was looking for the most semantically-appropriate character for less common symbols, which usually means choosing a codepoint in one of the mathematical symbol pages. Use of private-use characters also differs in that I chose to use U+F8300 (because the 83 in that number seems semantically appropriate).

kg583 commented 1 year ago

I'd like to make the following proposal for incorporating all this data in a sensible way, based on earlier discussions on Discord.

The changes to the token sheets would be beneficial if future applications need to be ASCII-only for whatever reason, while the new font sheet would be useful for direct font translation. Var names, for example, are (usually) given by the font rather than by tokens (and don't coincide in some important cases), so tivars_lib_py and others could leverage the sheet directly.

Converting the <name> tags is easy programmatically (just check the bytes), and Tari's file is a gimme to parse for the font XML, though the potential <chars> tag would take at least a bit of manual work (though equal work to deriving canonical Unicode names from the font).

tari commented 1 year ago

The tags should be ordered so that the first of either type is something of a "canonical" choice (though this could also be accomplished by an attribute on/in the tag).

I would prefer to use an attribute to mark the canonical version, because determining ordering post-hoc may be difficult for some consumers (imagine a library that deserializes elements into unordered sets).

we should also add purely ASCII representations where possible

I don't think this is very useful because Unicode normalization (NFKD or NFKC) handles the obvious cases, and most of the other things are impossible to represent with pure ASCII. Normalization probably isn't a good idea either, as Unicode TR15 notes:

some characters with compatibility decompositions are used in mathematical notation to represent a distinction of a semantic nature; replacing the use of distinct character codes by formatting in such contexts may cause problems

Providing a pure-ASCII version of each token seems like the correct option, simply because the semantics of a given character are often dependent on the token it's contained in and providing easy-to-type aliases is important to applications that want to tokenize source code.

Additionally, the sequence of font bytes which give the name on-calc could be added. ... Add font.xml, which contains just the font characters in a simplified format

Only one of these should be used:

Providing all three would potentially allow the unicode version of a token to better capture its semantics even if the calculator character set does not, but also makes it difficult to keep them in sync if we wanted to modify the font mapping (every token using the changed character would also need to be updated).

Putting all these together, I suggest something like this:

(The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.)

  <lang code="en">
    <canonical chars="05446563" />

Each language's entry for a token MUST contain a canonical element with a chars attribute specifying the calculator characters used to display it, and a canonical token MAY include text to specify a preferred Unicode representation distinct from the Unicode string formed by applying character set mapping to the value of the chars attribute (I expect such alternate preferred encodings to be rare).

Each token MAY have one or more alternates, specifying accepted alternative Unicode representations in the element body. Let the canonical and alternate elements be defined as "textual representation"s of the corresponding token.

There SHOULD exist at least one textual representation for each token containing only printable ASCII characters (U+0020-U+007E). This ensures that most tokens can easily be typed by users without resorting to manual input of uncommon codepoints.

Any textual representation element MUST NOT have the same body text as any other textual representation with the same language code. This ensures that tokens are unambiguous for tokenization applications.

kg583 commented 1 year ago

I would prefer to use an attribute to mark the canonical version, because determining ordering post-hoc may be difficult for some consumers (imagine a library that deserializes elements into unordered sets).

I didn't lead with the suggestion since a) the current sheets don't do this and b) I don't love the idea of us deciding what's canonical, though any (good) choice we make is unlikely to be controversial (particularly if the canonical choice is the Unicode approximation).

I don't think this is very useful because Unicode normalization (NFKD or NFKC) handles the obvious cases

That's fair, I was mostly just wanting to make sure such an option does exist (but any library under the sun will be able to do this, so). Would we then simplify the font XML format even more?

<byte value="$01">𝑛</byte>

Providing all three would potentially allow the unicode version of a token to better capture its semantics even if the calculator character set does not, but also makes it difficult to keep them in sync if we wanted to modify the font mapping (every token using the changed character would also need to be updated).

Something like a GitHub Action or other form of CI could accomplish this, as I don't like the idea of a user needing to include the font map if they all need are tokens. This could instead be provided on the user end, but the code should be regardless standard and accessible (not that its difficult, but we might as well do the work ourselves).

There SHOULD exist at least one textual representation for each token containing only printable ASCII characters (U+0020-U+007E). This ensures that most tokens can easily be typed by users without resorting to manual input of uncommon codepoints.

Should these be specially delineated? Some kind of tag or attribute would make the check easy for ASCII-only applications.

Also, does anyone with more XML knowhow have suggestions about the chars attribute? Just a string of hex digits in a string feels cryptic, so if there's some good way to do this I would want to do it.

tari commented 1 year ago

Would we then simplify the font XML format even more?

That seems reasonable to me.

Something like a GitHub Action or other form of CI could accomplish this, as I don't like the idea of a user needing to include the font map if they all need are tokens.

Also reasonable; source data should avoid redundancy, but we can provide it in alternate forms that may be easier to consume.

Should these be specially delineated? Some kind of tag or attribute would make the check easy for ASCII-only applications.

If a consumer needs to understand unicode to handle the input specification anyway, it's easy for them to check what codepoints are used and filter elements; tagging ASCII-only ones specially seems like another form of redundancy that we don't want. It would be reasonable to provide an ASCII-only version of the data similar to the fontmap-combined one, though.

tari commented 1 year ago

Also, does anyone with more XML knowhow have suggestions about the chars attribute? Just a string of hex digits in a string feels cryptic, so if there's some good way to do this I would want to do it.

Perhaps use a regular string and use numerical character references as needed? It might be less compact but seems more semantically correct:

  <lang code="en">
    <canonical chars="&#x05;Dec" />

and for regularity, the font map could do the same thing

<byte value="&#1;">𝑛</byte>

XML forbids null bytes even when encoded as a character reference, but null has the same semantics in the character set so that seems fine.

kg583 commented 1 year ago

Should these be specially delineated? Some kind of tag or attribute would make the check easy for ASCII-only applications.

If a consumer needs to understand unicode to handle the input specification anyway, it's easy for them to check what codepoints are used and filter elements; tagging ASCII-only ones specially seems like another form of redundancy that we don't want. It would be reasonable to provide an ASCII-only version of the data similar to the fontmap-combined one, though.

I don't entirely agree on the point that we "don't want" the redundancy; if anything, we are in a prime position to offer convenient redundancy. Providing an entirely separate ASCII file is a solution I can get behind, but I also do not see the problem with being redundant given that providing the data in a convenient manner is exactly the point. To even further that end, I would like to eventually get CI setup to automatically generate other data formats from the XMLs, which would be plainly redundant but useful all the same.

kg583 commented 1 year ago
  • Rework the structure of the <lang> tags. We replace all <name> tags with either <ascii> or <unicode>,

It is also worth noting that the ASCII names are intended to be unique for the purposes for (de)tokenization in a text editor. Since we'd like to maintain the names used by SC and/or TokenIDE for reference, and we're already gonna make a <canonical> tag, it should have an ASCII counterpart (and be identified as such).

tari commented 1 year ago

Providing an entirely separate ASCII file is a solution I can get behind, but I also do not see the problem with being redundant given that providing the data in a convenient manner is exactly the point.

My concern about redundancy relates to difficulty of maintenance: if the same information is encoded two ways in our source data, it's more difficult to change it later. Beyond that I don't really care, which is why generating redundant data via some automatic transformation (CI-based releases, etc) seems like a fine approach.

the ASCII names are intended to be unique for the purposes for (de)tokenization in a text editor. Since we'd like to maintain the names used by SC and/or TokenIDE for reference, and we're already gonna make a tag, it should have an ASCII counterpart

Having an obvious ASCII-only transformation only seems like it matters for Unicode-incapable editors consuming detokenized source code; otherwise the limited character set of (near-)ASCII is primarily for the convenience of humans to type things, in which situation having a canonical representation is unimportant as long as any given string can unambiguously map to a sequence of tokens.

I think my point here is that detokenizers should always prefer the (Unicode) canonical detokenization of things, but we can attempt to ensure that Unicode-incapable applications are still able to interoperate with full-featured ones by asserting that every token have at least one pure-ASCII representation. Maintaining compatibility with existing applications only matters inasmuch as we maintain the strings accepted by those existing tools as supported variants.

I suppose you might be more concerned about detokenized source from a new application being tokenizable by an old one, in which case labelling a "legacy canonical" encoding or something might be useful -- but SourceCoder consumes TokenIDE-style XML files so it wouldn't be difficult to make both of those tools handle the new canonical encodings.

kg583 commented 1 year ago

I suppose you might be more concerned about detokenized source from a new application being tokenizable by an old one, in which case labelling a "legacy canonical" encoding or something might be useful -- but SourceCoder consumes TokenIDE-style XML files so it wouldn't be difficult to make both of those tools handle the new canonical encodings.

Sure, but I guess my point is that we don't "need" Unicode to be the standard for every use case. I always interpreted the approximations as being entirely for display purposes; ASCII token encodings, meanwhile, would remain the standard any time you need to type them in somewhere.

Having (de)tokenization run off Unicode by default makes things work much like TI-Connect CE, which has to have menus with copies of every symbol. SourceCoder and TokenIDE also have these menus, but they aren't strictly necessary once you know the encodings. Granted, you can also memorize the Unicode approximants, but ASCII is plainly easier to type.

The encodings used by SourceCoder and TokenIDE could nonetheless use some improvements. This has been discussed in very disparate places on Discord, and boils down to two main points: standardizing sigils for token categories (e.g. $ for stats vars) and how to differentiate RIGHT (the token) from RIGHT (the five tokens) in a user-friendly way. Said discussions should probably be ported into a separate issue.

But on that note, I hesitate to refer to the ASCII encodings as "legacy", as they simply don't need replacing.

tari commented 1 year ago

Having (de)tokenization run off Unicode by default makes things work much like TI-Connect CE, which has to have menus with copies of every symbol.

No, because a user is free to use any version of a token to write it; I'm only proposing that detokenization prefer to use the Unicode representation, but there's nothing stopping a user from using ASCII versions of the same tokens when typing code.

If the issue is mostly around things being easy to type rather than strict limitation to ASCII, perhaps this is really a question of naming. How about an accessible attribute that can be applied to any child of a token (canonical or alternate) indicating "this token should be easy for humans to type," and provides a hint to applications that they can prefer that version of a token in contexts where they want to detokenize to easily-typed representations.

It also occurs to me that we probably want to make a source-code representation of a program fixed to a single language which implies reorganizing the XML somewhat:

  <canonical lang="en" chars="&#x05;Dec">
  <alternate accessible>&gt;Dec</alternate>

Moving the (required) language code onto the canonical element still allows the calculator representation for a given language to be known, but forces others to be language-agnostic (and tokenization would generally ignore non-English canonical representations). This is important because otherwise tokenizers would require a specified input language to select the correct language code to use. I don't believe anybody currently writes TI-BASIC source code in non-English languages, but I'm unaware of any other computer language that supports multilanguage syntax so it seems best to exclude that as an option here as well.

kg583 commented 1 year ago

No, because a user is free to use any version of a token to write it; I'm only proposing that detokenization prefer to use the Unicode representation, but there's nothing stopping a user from using ASCII versions of the same tokens when typing code.

Detokenization into Unicode could look cryptic and misleading if you're attempting to learn the ropes by example. Making Unicode the canonical choice would make detokenizing from ASCII encodings a non-identity function. Given that I know of very few serious programming languages that use non-ASCII for syntax, this feels like just a bad move. If there weren't good reasons to play favorites on our end (mostly just having there be a standard), I would genuinely want neither to be the truly "canonical" encoding, and instead simply offer both and let the application decide. But, push coming to shove, ASCII should be preferred.

If the issue is mostly around things being easy to type rather than strict limitation to ASCII, perhaps this is really a question of naming. How about an accessible attribute that can be applied to any child of a token (canonical or alternate) indicating "this token should be easy for humans to type," and provides a hint to applications that they can prefer that version of a token in contexts where they want to detokenize to easily-typed representations.

This feels extremely unnecessary and similarly cryptic. What, to us, is "accessible", if not ASCII or some other standard? It's just beating around the bush.

Moving the (required) language code onto the canonical element still allows the calculator representation for a given language to be known, but forces others to be language-agnostic (and tokenization would generally ignore non-English canonical representations).

I can get behind moving at least one (of each) encoding into a language agnostic section, though this could also be resolved by simply assuming English to be the default.

rpitasky commented 1 year ago

This issue feels like it has fallen off the rails a bit; I'll attempt to refocus it by clarifying some things about the token sheets here.

My initial intention for the tokens database was that it shouldn't have any particularly strong opinion about a "canonical" detokenization- this is entirely up to the application using the sheets. It merely provides a list of reasonable options, ideally allowing you to request an option that suits your needs, i.e, a printable-ascii name, or as-close-as-you-can-get-with-unicode-to-what-you-see-on-calc name, or (as was suggested here, if I'm understanding things correctly) a sequence of TI-Font bytes. Of course, projects evolve past their creator's intentions, but I still believe this better reflects TI-Toolkit's broader goal of improving documentation and tooling than the alternative.

Obviously the current solution to this end is lazy and particularly uninspired, but I think this leans closer to what @kg583 was suggesting in https://github.com/TI-Toolkit/tokens/issues/12#issuecomment-1548930276.

EDIT: wait, this was a bad take on my part, but I'm falling asleep now, I'll fix it right when I wake up Edit: I do not remember my better take >.>

adriweb commented 1 year ago

I don't believe anybody currently writes TI-BASIC source code in non-English languages

French is definitely a popular ti-basic language used since it's the default on all the French calcs (82A and 83PCE, for the recent models), which is why tivars_lib_cpp makes sure it can tok/detok in both English and French. It only cares about Unicode (with its own token file upstreamed here ) but I'm following this issue as I may change this eventually....

adriweb commented 1 year ago

Also, I'd really like us to end up agreeing on something here, even if it takes a bit more time to discuss all this, because it does seem like a big improvement if "all" recent/modern community tooling for all this ends up using a unique, centralized, and maintained tokens "database" covering all needs, rather than each using its own thing and users being confused as to why something works on one tool and not on another.

Personally, I believe Unicode should be used everywhere just because it makes reading so much easier. And being able to type things correctly "just" (with big quotes) becomes an interface issue that needs to be solved with a great UX otherwise the user will get frustrated (for the tiplanet PB, I've been thinking of having a mix of what current editors do, with both having a catalog/categories pane where you can pick tokens to insert, and having the ability to type tokens via Unicode directly (why not) or ascii that gets automatically replaced by the correct Unicode match. This is still a thought-in-progress, though

tari commented 1 year ago

French is definitely a popular ti-basic language used since it's the default on all the French calcs (82A and 83PCE, for the recent models)

Okay, so I guess we'd want to retain the existing lang->strings hierarchy in that case- doesn't seem like a big deal.

having the ability to type tokens via Unicode directly (why not) or ascii that gets automatically replaced by the correct Unicode match

I had a thought like this too; a fancy autocomplete system that lets you type easily and converts to tokens on the fly seems ideal. The goal of the data should be to enable that sort of thing while still supporting less fancy tools and allowing them all to interoperate. This means providing a representation of each given token that closely matches what a calculator displays (the canonical one expressed in terms of the calculator charset) and zero or more aliases that may be easier to type.

For the benefit of applications that may want to prefer easily typed tokens, it seems reasonable to offer my proposed accessible version, but taking no particular position on what charset that actually is (which is why I'm against calling it ascii: this is about being accessible, not choosing a given character set). Although all accessible variants may end up being pure ASCII, that would require further discussion to arrive at.

rpitasky commented 1 year ago

Re: @kg583:

This feels extremely unnecessary and similarly cryptic. What, to us, is "accessible", if not ASCII or some other standard? It's just beating around the bush.

TI-ASCII is a term that exists and is similar enough in name and form to standard ASCII to be easily conflated. Instead of "accessible", I suggest the admittedly somewhat clumsy "typeable" or "typable" (the latter of which autocorrect and the OED dislike but Wiktionary and MW list as an alternate spelling), which even more precisely captures what we want from these entries.

Re: @adriweb, on the topic of only having one Unicode translation: A further goal that should be considered is having mappings for all of the existing/old token sheets that were in use before this token sheet (obviously, within reason- though no totally unreasonable mappings exist to my knowledge). I think this would save lots of potential headaches when it comes to programs saved in old forum posts, etc. Multiple Unicode representations exist for every token; while we can (and in my opinion, should) select a favored one, this token sheet is for more than just editors.

We should decide on something actionable sooner rather than later so we can actually, y'know, use this thing.

I think each lang must have a required canonical name for the TI-Font representation, a required unique typeable or accessible (we need to decide on the name of the tag still) name for the common keyboard-input representation, a unique required preferred name for an as-close-as-possible Unicode interpretation, and any number of optional variant alternative Unicode names. Each token should have at least en and fr language support and optionally other languages too (following ISO 639-1 for the names).

kg583 commented 1 year ago

I think each lang must have a required canonical name for the TI-Font representation, a required unique typeable or accessible (we need to decide on the name of the tag still) name for the common keyboard-input representation, a unique required preferred name for an as-close-as-possible Unicode interpretation, and any number of optional variant alternative Unicode names. Each token should have at least en and fr language support and optionally other languages too (following ISO 639-1 for the names).

I second this, though favor accessible over typeable for exactly the reasons you stated. I flip-flop about canonical as well, since it doesn't describe what it is very well (i.e. the list of bytes in the font map that the token uses). preferred is fine I suppose, with my reservations mostly the same as accessible in that it's an "opinionated" adjective.

kg583 commented 1 year ago

To try to sum up my position about the accessible tag at the moment:

My motivation for being so adamant about having ASCII-only names stems from typing TI-BASIC into token editors, something I've done for years. I would say that typeability is probably the biggest boon of ASCII representations, but this doesn't mean I support ASCII names solely for this reason, and the name of the tag should not reflect only that reason either.

ASCII is more typeable, more likely to be supported by a custom font, and more recognizable. I don't necessarily hold any of these reasons in higher regard than any other for the purposes of inclusion in this standard; I simply recognize that any of those are reasons, and thus we should be purely descriptive with the tag name.

accessible indicates that all we care about is some kind of accessibility; typeable is even more narrow. But the name ascii says what it is and nothing more. I don't care why you want ASCII. I don't care what you do with it. But I know some people would like to have it, so here it is. Calling it anything else masks the intention (or at least my own intention; there is obviously some divide on that).

adriweb commented 1 year ago

I like "canonical", but I guess that implies there's only 1 canonical one (and everything else is alternatives). However if we're not going with a unique ascii or Unicode equivalent, then maybe we can just consider that the list is ordered, by preferred alternatives, descending (most preferred, implicitly "canonical", first)

I'm also fine with "ascii".

rpitasky commented 1 year ago

There is only one canonical TI-Font representation for any given token in any given translation?

On Sat, Jun 10, 2023 at 12:36 PM Adrien Bertrand @.***> wrote:

I like "canonical", but I guess that implies there's only 1 canonical one (and everything else is alternatives). However if we're not going with a unique ascii or Unicode equivalent, then maybe we can just consider that the list is ordered, by preferred alternatives, descending (most preferred, implicitly "canonical", first)

I'm also fine with "ascii".

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kg583 commented 1 year ago

Let me try to bring everything back together, because I think we are all converging on a reasonable solution.

There are four fields that should be provided per token, per language. These fields will remain unnamed in this proposition, as this is one of the main points of contention for the fomat. We seek to use these fields to define the standard representations of tokens for various applications.

There are plenty of other motivations for these fields, and I think everyone in the discussion so far can get behind some inclusion of all the data mentioned. In addition,

We still need to decide on the names of these fields. The current suggestions are

My personal choices would be, reflecting my desire to be as purely descriptive as possible,

Other miscellaneous points to be addressed:

This proposition is a hopeful summary of the discussion here and on Discord thus far that aims to reconcile the disagreements and misunderstandings earlier. If there is a important concern that still wasn't addressed here, please say as much. A functional format that is unanimously tolerable is the top priority.

tari commented 1 year ago

I think I agree with that general structure. I think field B should be automatically generated from the font map and value of field A, simply because that's easy to do automatically and makes everything easier to maintain.

Just to bikeshed the namings:

  1. I don't like value, but chars is okay even if I prefer canonical
  2. unicode seems like a bad name because it's too generic: every textual element is unicode so it seems wrong to pick out one field as a special kind of unicode. Alternate proposal: display to indicate it's how a calculator would display the token.
  3. As with unicode, ascii is a bad name because many tokens are ASCII even in their "unicode" (field B) form. I still think accessible is the best of these, but there might be an interesting question around policy for defining values of this field which could inform its name: do we assume a particular keyboard layout for a given language such that the English tokens for example only contain characters that are present on a en-US keyboard even though other languages would be able to use a different character (since a French keyboard for instance typically has an AltGr and dead keys that allow accented characters to be typed easily)?
  4. I like variant, but either seems okay.
kg583 commented 1 year ago

I think field B should be automatically generated from the font map and value of field A, simply because that's easy to do automatically and makes everything easier to maintain.

Yes, this is what I was implying with the second bullet point after the list of fields.

I don't like value, but chars is okay even if I prefer canonical

canonical just feels so non-descriptive of what is actually in the field, and to that end I similarly prefer chars over value. Hell, the term canonical proved confusing just a few comments up in this thread.

Alternate proposal: display to indicate it's how a calculator would display the token.

I'll second this (and @rpitasky third'd on Discord).

As with unicode, ascii is a bad name because many tokens are ASCII even in their "unicode" (field B) form. I still think accessible is the best of these, but there might be an interesting question around policy for defining values of this field which could inform its name: do we assume a particular keyboard layout for a given language such that the English tokens for example only contain characters that are present on a en-US keyboard even though other languages would be able to use a different character (since a French keyboard for instance typically has an AltGr and dead keys that allow accented characters to be typed easily)?

I think I came off too strongly about the typeability point, even if its maybe the best motivation for the field. It's really just a matter of how ASCII representations pervade the token editors, and they in turn inform how code gets shared over text, so we should absolutely keep them. I suppose you could call these "accessibility" reasons, but I again think that this misses the point. The most important fact about the field is that it is ASCII; any other name implies we could deviate if we wanted to. I furthermore have no idea why some display names being purely ASCII is a concern; there's no if-and-only-if here and I don't think anybody is expecting one. If fields B and C happen to agree for some tokens, so be it.

rpitasky commented 1 year ago

Yeah, I give display my metaphorical rubber stamp, as well as autogenerating things. How about tifont for the tifont bytes?

Regardless, the conversations we have had here and in Discord and in Matrix are barely documentation; whatever we choose must be documented clearly in at least the README (I recognize this probably goes without saying, but it makes debates over whether something captures all of the requisite meaning a little less important).

commandblockguy commented 1 year ago

How about tifont for the tifont bytes?

I dislike the use of the term "font" to refer to a series of encoded bytes, since a font defines the display of glyphs that are already encoded in a particular way, and this is completely unrelated to that. We should name the field after the encoding scheme that tifont and the encoded token names use. Of course, this is just kicking the can down the road a bit, as it's very unlikely there's an official name for it (the TI-83 SDK docs mention "extended ASCII," but it's in the glossary and it seems likely that this is referring to the part where they describe the input format for the assembler, rather than the actual character set used on the calculator) and we would need to come up with our own. "TI-ASCII" seems to be relatively common, but I dislike that term too, since it's not a superset of ASCII. We could probably just call it something boring like ti-calc-encoding or ti83-encoding.

tari commented 1 year ago

If Commodore can have PETSCII, how about 8xSCII?

LogicalJoe commented 1 year ago


rpitasky commented 1 year ago

calc-encoding or calc-encoded?

rpitasky commented 1 year ago

cemetech, at least, has somewhat converged on ti-ascii; are we good with this here?

kg583 commented 1 year ago

I'm fine with ti-ascii, though I feel now there should be a separation between encoding(s) and names in the format, so that we can better communicate the "data type" of the fields in-place and not worry about bad name clashes like ti-ascii vs. ascii, which refer to completely different types.

Thus cometh a proposition where I, kg583, endorse the use of accessible:

<lang code="en">
    <ti-ascii>Field A</ti-ascii>
    <!-- are there any other viable encodings?
         cause if not this does seem maybe a tad silly -->
    <display>Field B</display>
    <accessible>Field C</accessible>
    <variant>Field D</variant>
    <!-- more variants as need be -->

Also, its worth noting that the "correct" way to specify the encoding, an XML string with explicit bytes where necessary, would actually motivate something like <ti-ascii value=""></ti-ascii>.

tari commented 1 year ago

The above proposal (https://github.com/TI-Toolkit/tokens/issues/12#issuecomment-1586514583) seems reasonable in general, but there's a little bit of complexity that I think can be omitted. I think if we're unable to identify any other relevant encodings, the value of Field A could just as easily be placed in an attribute of the lang element; additional encodings could always be added in a new schema version if a reason were found to include them.

<lang code="en" ti-ascii="Field A">
  <display>Field B</display>
  <accessible>Field C</accessible>
  <variant>Field D</variant>
  <!-- additional variants if applicable -->

This doesn't change any of the names (though it does drop the word encoding) and reduces nesting which makes the XML a little easier to parse.

I suppose we could take the attribute-ification even further and convert all of the non-repeatable elements into attributes of lang which doesn't sacrifice any expressiveness and is even easier to parse.

LogicalJoe commented 1 year ago

Even if it's not entirely relevant, I wanted to mention that Field A has language-specific encodings(?) as some language apps change specific characters (tested on the CE). For example, in Swedish, 090h, English â, is changed to å.

tari commented 1 year ago

Is that actually field A, or is it field B? I take your comment to mean that the character 90h is changed, which leaves field A unchanged but B becomes different.

LogicalJoe commented 1 year ago

Field B would be different than if it was generated purely from the English TI-ASCII encoding and Field A. I was meaning more "Field A would not necessarily be 1:1 with the other fields" which I wanted to mention in case it was assumed that it would be 1:1 from the only documentation really existing in English.

tari commented 1 year ago

Field A is the calculator characters though, and I don't think the normal character set has an å at all- it seems like you're saying the Swedish localization changes the character set so the glyph corresponding to character 0x90 is different but the character data is unchanged. That would mean field A is unchanged in every case, but field B is different between Swedish and other languages.

rpitasky commented 1 year ago

I've written a small tool to extract translations from the app files; I'll probably give it a home in this org somewhere once we decide where, but here's French, Spanish, Portuguese: https://gist.github.com/rpitasky/5daa6eb4090fb4b1c9360e0eb2404ce6

A "None" means the token inherits from the default (English) string.

rpitasky commented 1 year ago

I'd like to get moving on this, I'm willing to adopt #12 (comment).

Does anyone have the TI font encodings for the English tokens handy? Are we sure the translation table above (and particularly the TokenIDE sheets) are faithful?

tari commented 1 year ago

It's pretty easy for me to generate the TI-ASCII encodings from the mapping I defined and an XML file, where my Tokens.xml is intended to provide this function but hasn't been checked for any kind of accuracy and may be missing some newer (CE) tokens.

rpitasky commented 1 year ago

The general consensus on discord was that a fresh extraction would be the best; I've gone ahead and done this (this comes from OS

Dumped strings ``` 05444d53 ►DMS 05446563 ►Dec 0546726163 ►Frac 1c → c1 [ 5d ] 7b { 7d } 28 ( 29 ) 726f756e6428 round( 70786c2d5465737428 pxl-Test( 6175676d656e7428 augment( 726f775377617028 rowSwap( 726f772b28 row+( 2a726f7728 *row( 2a726f772b28 *row+( 6d617828 max( 6d696e28 min( 5205505b28 R►Pθ( 5205507228 R►Pr( 5005527828 P►Rx( 5005527928 P►Ry( 6d656469616e28 median( 72616e644d28 randM( 6d65616e28 mean( 736f6c766528 solve( 73657128 seq( 666e496e7428 fnInt( 6e446572697628 nDeriv( 20 22 " 2c , 21 ! 15 ʳ 14 ° 11 ⁻¹ 12 ² 16 ᵀ d5 . 30 0 31 1 32 2 33 3 34 4 35 5 36 6 37 7 38 8 39 9 2e . 1b ᴇ 206f7220 or 20786f7220 xor 3a : 20616e6420 and 41 A 42 B 43 C 44 D 45 E 46 F 47 G 48 H 49 I 4a J 4b K 4c L 4d M 4e N 4f O 50 P 51 Q 52 R 53 S 54 T 55 U 56 V 57 W 58 X 59 Y 5a Z 5b θ 7072676d prgm 52616469616e Radian 446567726565 Degree 4e6f726d616c Normal 536369 Sci 456e67 Eng 466c6f6174 Float 3d = 3c < 3e > 17 ≤ 19 ≥ 18 ≠ 2b + 2d - 46697820 Fix 486f72697a Horiz 46756c6c Full 46756e63 Func 506172616d Param 506f6c6172 Polar 536571 Seq 496e64706e744175746f IndpntAuto 496e64706e7441736b IndpntAsk 446570656e644175746f DependAuto 446570656e6441736b DependAsk 2a * 2f / 5472616365 Trace 436c7244726177 ClrDraw 5a5374616e64617264 ZStandard 5a54726967 ZTrig 5a6f6f6d20496e Zoom In 5a6f6f6d204f7574 Zoom Out 5a537175617265 ZSquare 5a496e7465676572 ZInteger 5a50726576696f7573 ZPrevious 5a446563696d616c ZDecimal 5a6f6f6d53746174 ZoomStat 5a6f6f6d52636c ZoomRcl 5a426f78 ZBox 5072696e7453637265656e PrintScreen 447261774620 DrawF 5465787428 Text( 206e507220 nPr 206e437220 nCr 466e4f6e20 FnOn 466e4f666620 FnOff 53746f726550696320 StorePic 526563616c6c50696320 RecallPic 53746f726547444220 StoreGDB 526563616c6c47444220 RecallGDB 4c696e6528 Line( 566572746963616c20 Vertical 50742d4f6e28 Pt-On( 50742d4f666628 Pt-Off( 50742d4368616e676528 Pt-Change( 50786c2d4f6e28 Pxl-On( 50786c2d4f666628 Pxl-Off( 50786c2d4368616e676528 Pxl-Change( 536861646528 Shade( 436972636c6528 Circle( 486f72697a6f6e74616c20 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Beware that they need to be reordered to be inserted into the tokens sheet, they are only somewhat in a reasonable order now.

Amper5ands commented 1 year ago

https://gist.github.com/Amper5ands/fd6328ddff1e56313c6e590187512340 tokens (?)