TIBCOSoftware / bw6-plugin-maven

Plug-in Code for Apache Maven and TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™
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Shared modules qualifier replacement at application build time #731

Open dmassimi opened 1 month ago

dmassimi commented 1 month ago

Applications built with maven plugin, using same shared modules and deployed in the same appnode, cannot work correctly. When we undeploy app1 and we make stop/start app2, app2 goes in Start Failed because the reference to shared module is broken. Suggestion: add datetime unique to shared modules during application build .

Maven Plugin version: 2.9.9

Maven version: 3.6.3

Product : TIBCO Businessworks 6

Product version: BW6 6.10

Component: Maven build plugin

Steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. build a shared module (version 1.0.5-SNAPSHOT) with maven
  2. create module and application (version 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT) and add the shared module as dependency
  3. build application with maven

Describe the results you received: The application (ear) contains module (version 1.0.0.qualifier) and shared module (version 1.0.5.qualifier)

Describe the results you expected: The application should contain module (version and shared module (version Basically replace "qualifier" with "YYYYMMDDhhmmss" for all jars into ear, during application build.

Additional information you deem important (e.g. issue happens only occasionally): Happens when 2 apps using same shared module version and we undeploy app1 and then make a stop/start of app2.

dmassimi commented 1 month ago

the workaround we applied to the customer is this (mvn instal + unzip and MANIFEST, TIBCO.xml jars customization + mvn bwdeployer + mvn deploy-file to upload on Nexus correct ear version) image