TablePlus / TablePlus-Windows

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Cassandra connection url format #318

Open ChristineChetty opened 4 years ago

ChristineChetty commented 4 years ago

I am new to cassandra and table plus. I would simply like to know what the url pattern should look like. I am using:


But this is invalid url.

huyphams commented 4 years ago

Hi @ChristineChetty thank you. The URL is for import connection not for connecting, besides that TablePlus does not support JDBC. So if you want to connect to Cassandra, please choose it from the connection list and fill the form.

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ChristineChetty commented 4 years ago

Thank you.

I have a cassandra cluster running on EC2. I also have exposed 9042 to my IP address only. Can you please advise which connection params I should be using as when I enter Host: public IP, Port: 9042, Database: Keyspace naem, Use ssh key using my private key converted to openSSH (it was previously puttyGen) then it returns unable to connect.

I am very new to this so please bear with me. What should be configured in cassandra.yaml to enable this work? should rpc_enable be set to true? Thank you