Takanu / Capsule

(Blender 4.1) Universal batch export manager
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Filtering in Export List #49

Closed Wolfgang-IX closed 1 year ago

Wolfgang-IX commented 1 year ago

Hi would be amazing if Export List has filtering like Vertex Group if possible 😊 like Searching and Invert Search, for disabling/enabling objects/collections for export


Takanu commented 1 year ago

Hey, i'm not quite sure what the filtering aspect you want applies to - do you want to search exports by vertex groups or do you want to prevent certain vertex groups from being updated?

Wolfgang-IX commented 1 year ago

Oh I mean searching the list in Export List panel, in that example I have 98 collections to be exported but I want to disable/enable some of them before exporting all active list.

so what I propose is searching tab below it like you can found on Vertex Group, UV Map etc.


Takanu commented 1 year ago

Oh, now I understand! I'll see if I can smuggle this in before publishing the next update 👍

Takanu commented 1 year ago

This has now been added and will be released in the next version, thanks for reminding me about this issue!

Btw, is that a custom interface you have for Capsule? I'm curious 🤔 .

Wolfgang-IX commented 1 year ago

Thank you so much, it'll be easier to find stuffs now 😊

Yup I'm customizing it with PME (Pie Menu Editor).


Takanu commented 1 year ago

Aaah, interesting addon! A shortcut to go to the Capsule Addon Preferences was added with the upcoming version amusingly enough so hopefully that makes your custom setup a little less complicated.