Tarmil / FSharp.SystemTextJson

System.Text.Json extensions for F# types
MIT License
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WithUnwrapOption(false) still serializes None as null #171

Open cmeeren opened 10 months ago

cmeeren commented 10 months ago

When using WithUnwrapOption(false), None still serializes to null.

(I am serializing for logging/assertion/debugging purposes and want None/ValueNone to serialize to the strings "None"/"ValueNone", as I expect is the intended functionality with WithUnwrapOption(false).)

open System.Text.Json
open System.Text.Json.Serialization
open Xunit

let options = JsonSerializerOptions()
    |> JsonFSharpConverter
Assert.Equal("\"None\"", JsonSerializer.Serialize(None))

This fails with:

Assert.Equal() Failure
          ↓ (pos 0)
Expected: "None"
Actual:   null
          ↑ (pos 0)
cmeeren commented 10 months ago

Could this be related to Option<_> using [<CompilationRepresentation(CompilationRepresentationFlags.UseNullAsTrueValue)>]?

Tarmil commented 10 months ago

Yes, it is on purpose that None and ValueNone are serialized as null. I am open to adding an option to customize this though!

cmeeren commented 10 months ago

Would be great! I am not serializing for idiomatic JSON, but for displaying structures of F# data (in a better way than %A), so displaying None instead of null would help my users.

cmeeren commented 10 months ago

Note by the way that the docs for WithUnwrapOption are misleading:


It says that if set, None is serialized as null. While this technically doesn't say that if it's not set, then None is not serialized as null, it does give a strong impression that that's the intended meaning.

Also relevant here:


cmeeren commented 9 months ago

Hi! Just wondering if it would be possible to implement this soon-ish (say, during the coming week or two)? I need to decide whether to work around this, but the point is moot if this could be supported upstream. 🙂

Yes, it is on purpose that None and ValueNone are serialized as null.

By the way, ValueNone is serialized as ValueNone, not null (regardless of WithUnwrapOption).