TeKrop / overfast-api

⚡ Unofficial Overwatch 2 API, built with FastAPI, provides data on heroes, game modes, maps, and player careers
MIT License
101 stars 14 forks source link

Dead project? #142

Closed koyomitan3 closed 2 months ago

koyomitan3 commented 3 months ago

Can't even do a simple player request

import requests

player_id = "name-number"
x = requests.get(f'https://overfast-api.tekrop.fr/players/{player_id}/summary')

Always 404

TeKrop commented 3 months ago


It's specified in the specs / documentation : when a player doesn't exist, the API returns an HTTP 404 response. You can also see the message in response body.


Let me know if it's working fine for you 👍

koyomitan3 commented 3 months ago

The player is literally me, with a public open profile for anyone to see everything, what do you mean? I copy-pasted directly from my battle net client

TeKrop commented 3 months ago

Hmm, did you check the letter case (capital letters)? It could explain the issue 🤔 Can you try to search your profile on Blizzard pages, and then if you can consult your page, just copy-paste the Battle tag in the URL 👍 (with a - instead of #) https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/search/?q=Name-number

For example, I have to specify this for my own profile: https://overfast-api.tekrop.fr/players/TeKrop-2217

MatthewSH commented 3 months ago

If possible could you also provide the Bnet ID?

TeKrop commented 3 months ago

@koyomitan3 Are you still encountering an issue? 🤔

TeKrop commented 2 months ago

I'm closing the issue as it's been two weeks without any news. Feel free to reopen it with additional information if you have any 👍