Team-Immersive-Intelligence / ImmersiveIntelligence

An addon for Immersive Engineering focused on Electronics, Warfare, Logistics and Intelligence
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[Feature Request]: Rubber Conveyor Overhaul #428

Open Cyberblaze-lp opened 1 week ago

Cyberblaze-lp commented 1 week ago

Initial Check

Core Category


Feature Category

📻Smaller Devices


As of now, Rubber conveyors seem basically just like a faster version of the regular leather ones which is a bit underwhelming for how much they cost in terms of infrastructure. How difficult would it be to code them in a way that they're more like factorio or create belts that have a set buffer size and won't over-send?

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Cyberblaze-lp commented 1 week ago

To add to this, i don't think there's many types of conveyors in 1.12 that have this behavior. Magneticraft is one of the few ones that do, but their conveyors get very laggy very fast