Team2890HawkCollective / Training

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GitHub Basics #96

Closed HawkCollective2890 closed 4 months ago

HawkCollective2890 commented 9 months ago

Description: Github is an online tool to host repositories managed by git. GitHub also has features to create issues/tasks for the project and track the progress of these tasks through a project board.

It is vital to master the skill of using git and GitHub as these skills will be required to work on this project efficiently. These are also invaluable skills to have in the STEM industry. You will find supplementary videos and resources for this task at the bottom of the ticket.

Acceptance criteria: Demonstrate your understanding of GitHub and the GitHub UI by creating a new ticket titled "{your_name} has created a ticket!" with the body containing three facts about yourself. Assign the created ticket to yourself and mark it as "in progress".

Additional References: GitHub overview - GitHub issues - GitHub resolving merge conflicts - GitHub boards -

Notes: Resolving merge conflicts will not be demonstrated but it is essential to know