Aircraft Carrier Challenge for V1.1 of 7 Days to Die
DevilsKut is the person that had the idea to create this challege pack and was inspired after seeing the Dishong Tower Challenge. Techgeek20 manages the repo and assisted with code and bug fixes...
This mod is based on The Dishong Tower Challenge mod pack with a "few" tweaks and a different POI (much thanks to the Dishong Tower Challenge mod authors). The POI was orginally created by Naz for Alpha 16, and then updated to work in Alpha 21 by DevilsKut.
Thanks to WookieNookie for the custom code, Khelldon for the custom menu, Frantic_Dan for the Cleaner HUD modlet for the original base mod and concept (Dishong Tower Challenge mod) The mods in this pack that are developed by WookieNookie in collaboration with HellsJanitor, and have been included with approvals from both WookieNookie and HellsJanitor.
Following addon mods are covered by their respective mod authors:
WookieNookie for the following modlets:
Khelldon-CustomMenu Link:
UH-60 by Bdubyah -
Found a bug and wish to let us know? Head to and open an issues ticket.