TechnionYP5777 / Smartcity-Smarthouse

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Ideas of sensors #165

Closed inbalzukerman closed 7 years ago

inbalzukerman commented 7 years ago

Since we will be working on the dashboard soon, we need to think about at least 20 sensors ideas!

If to be more exact - the dashboard will present the streams of information received from across the smart-house, and we are responsible to demonstrate it. Since we are working with sensors' simulations, we can and should be creative.

This issue will be closed after at least 20 sensors ideas will be decided upon.

roy-shchory commented 7 years ago

billing streams -


alexvitho commented 7 years ago

movement sensor - show the activity in each area.

noise sensor - shows noise levels in each area.

enterance camera (sensor) - transmits video stream of enterance.

child monitor sensor - breathing , activity e.t.c.

cooking gas levels sensor (and alarms)

humadity lelvel in each area.

laundry level (weight , quantity)

Smart postbox (number of incoming letters , real time allerts e.t.c.)

Pill dispenser - number of pills, times, e.t.c.

irrigation controller ( shows humidty, and have the option to make actions).

pets food sensors.


inbalzukerman commented 7 years ago

This issue is completed and the ideas which were suggested will be taking into consideration 😄