TechnionYearlyProject / DailyPulseMe

A tool that tracks and analyzes your heart rate data during your calendar events, helping you live a healthier life.
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Supporting Fitbit band - Estimated time 12 hours #79

Closed rob94sh closed 6 years ago

rob94sh commented 6 years ago

@mohamedMahameed and I, after discussing the matter, have reached a solution to add support for different bands. For now, we will be adding support for Fitbit and will be writing the code in such way that adding more bands in the future remains fairly easy to execute. First of all, we will be adding the option for the user to choose their active-band: the band which we will take the data. When requesting for data (from the front end) we will use the suitable parser regarding the active-band to get the data (pulses, for now, may add more in the future). So, first of all, we will be creating the parser of the Fitbit data, which will be done by @mohamedMahameed . Then, we need to change the existing code to fit these changes: adding the option to pick a supported active-band and refactoring the UserController and AppUser code (and others if necessary), which will be done by me. @mohamedMahameed is welcome to add anything I have missed.

rob94sh commented 6 years ago

estimated time: 10 days.