TechnionYearlyProject / Roommates

The Best platform for finding your next Roommates
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continue to Find bugs for the end of semester client challenge #607

Closed Danielohayon closed 6 years ago

Danielohayon commented 6 years ago

followup to: #565 Make sure that in the client challenge it will be hard for the others to find real bugs. Open issues for each found bug.

This will reduce the amount of work we will have after the client challenge. This includes re-cloning the repository to your local machine and installing all dependencies.

Estimated time: 5 hours.

omrihuller commented 6 years ago

test log:

notifications: owner is notified on users expressing interest about his apartments

group: creation of new group with various statuses

chat tested with Idan who implemented the chat last week, receiving & sending messages, multiple chats

azure testing that everything works the same with the azure version of the site

omrihuller commented 6 years ago

total time: 7 hours