Telmate / terraform-provider-proxmox

Terraform provider plugin for proxmox
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Cloud-init config after template cloning at firstboot is not applied until VM is manually rebooted #1024

Open maksimsamt opened 1 month ago

maksimsamt commented 1 month ago

System details: Proxmox VE 8.2.2 Terraform v1.8.4 terraform-provider-proxmox v3.0.1-rc2

VM at firstboot doesn't have IP, hostname, user/password form cloud-init config. To get applied the cloud-init config VM must be manually restarted. Seems this issue intersects with .

As per, tried to change ci_wait to 60, 120 and so on, but without success. Seems ci_wait parameter is ingored at all and this is possible root cause. For example, after terraform apply there is no in actions this parameter:

Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
  + create

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  # proxmox_vm_qemu.cloud_vm_from_template will be created
  + resource "proxmox_vm_qemu" "cloud_vm_from_template" {
      + additional_wait        = 5
      + agent                  = 1
      + automatic_reboot       = true
      + balloon                = 2048
      + bios                   = "ovmf"
      + boot                   = "order=scsi0"
      + bootdisk               = (known after apply)
      + cipassword             = (sensitive value)
      + ciuser                 = "user"
      + clone                  = "vm.TEMPLATE"
      + clone_wait             = 10
      + cores                  = 2
      + cpu                    = "host"
      + default_ipv4_address   = (known after apply)
      + default_ipv6_address   = (known after apply)
      + define_connection_info = true
      + desc                   = "Cloud Base VM"
      + force_create           = false
      + full_clone             = false
      + hotplug                = "network,disk,usb"
      + id                     = (known after apply)
Tinyblargon commented 1 month ago

@maksimsamt could you provide me with a link to the iso/ova image you used to provision the template vm?

I've always done the testing with the latest Debian genericcloud-amd64 image:

maksimsamt commented 1 month ago

@maksimsamt could you provide me with a link to the iso/ova image you used to provision the template vm?

I've always done the testing with the latest Debian genericcloud-amd64 image:

I'm using a custom (build by Packer) AlmaLinux Generic Cloud 9.4 image, but underneath is this image:

By manual cloning and configuring cloud-init in PVE - there are no such problems.

maksimsamt commented 1 month ago

Tried as well now with Fedora 40 Cloud: The same result, need VM restart to apply cloud-init config

elg0ch0 commented 1 month ago

@maksimsamt , are you able to make it work with Ubuntu 22? (I'm stuck with this... using Packer custom images also)

maksimsamt commented 1 month ago

@maksimsamt , are you able to make it work with Ubuntu 22? (I'm stuck with this... using Packer custom images also)

Nope, in my project currently only rhel machines. As you can see above, @Tinyblargon using Debian genericcloud-amd64 images and this almost the same as Ubuntu, differences only in autoinstall(ubuntu) vs preseed(debian) files.

maksimsamt commented 1 month ago

I found the root cause for my case. As I mentioned above, I use the Packer build to create PVE templates, and with adding an empty Cloud-Init CDROM drive after the virtual machine has been converted to a template. By default Packer adds Cloud-Init drive as ide0. In I have configured the following related cloudinit block/config:

  disks {
    ide {
      ide0 {
        cloudinit {
          storage = "local-lvm"

So, as you can see, drives in the template and in new VM are the same - ide0. This caused the conflict. It turns out that the cloudinit drives (in template and in new vm) cannot be the same (e.g. ide0 vs ide0) or template should be without cloudinit drive at all. Is it a normal and expected behavior or is it still a bug?

Moved in cloudinit block/config into scsi drive, for instance scsi10:

  disks {
    scsi {
      scsi10 {
        cloudinit {
          storage = "local-lvm"

And now it works as expected, Cloud-init config after template cloning at firstboot is applied without VM rebooting.

whinis commented 1 month ago

I am having the same issue as you, I must restart for the cloud-init to work and I am using Ubuntu noble-server-cloudimg-amd64.img. I added reboot command to the image and it seems to work for ubuntu but not debian which doesn't even seem to be able to see the cloud-init drive. This seems to be a known issue on UEFI setups and the recommendation is to move it to scsi instead of IDE but on v3.0.1-rc1 attempting to add the config above gives me Blocks of type "cloudinit" are not expected here

whinis commented 1 month ago

Sorry, I see now that its rc2 that has changed many things. that allows me to use scsi for cloud-init and the previous method was removed

colapsid commented 1 week ago

In my case for Ubuntu 22:

apt purge cloud-init rm -rf /etc/cloud/ rm -rf /var/lib/cloud/

And a conflicting network configuration file created during OS installation rm -f /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml

apt install cloud-init

After that, recreate the template