Telos-Foundation / Sqrl

The easiest and most powerful desktop wallet for the Telos Blockchain and other EOSIO-based networks.
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Feature request: Telos proposals for every token, and standard for creating 1 to 10% of max supply reward pools for the tokens proposals systems #161

Open ackza opened 4 years ago

ackza commented 4 years ago

Feature request: Telos proposals for every token, and standard for creating 1% 5% and 10% reward pools for the tokens proposals systems. Every token could use a multisig account using telosdac to hold 1 to 105 of the total max supply and the tokens would be transferred to users who get YES votes on proposals, the same WPS worker proposal system in SQRL would be used, but a drop down menu on the proposals page would allow you to select if youre looking at Telos main net proposals or maybe TEACH proposals, SQRl proposals, SAND proposals, I would love for every token to have proposals, AND a wizard or settings for users to need to have already set up a WPS reward pool, as there's no inflation the tokens would already have been issued and then they go to whoever gets voted on, with proposals in SQRL. Each token will have an account created with the reward pool, and maybe we select that account as the reward pool account and give the active keys for that account, maybe we require you sign in with that contract account to be able to modify settings about how big the pool is, thats where a wizard came come in, and help set the pool settings up AND THEn when its executed and started, we will allow anyone with a telos token to create PROPOSALS using the SAME proposal system we already have. THEn schools can use TEACH token proposals, hospitals and offices and companies governments can all use proposals on their own tokens which they can then push value into, and we can use telos SQRL as the best tool for allowing ordinary citizens to interact with their local government.

roger-eosuk commented 4 years ago
