Tencent / omi

Web Components Framework - Web组件框架
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Benchmark #227

Open vogloblinsky opened 5 years ago

vogloblinsky commented 5 years ago


I have created a benchmark suite for Web Components librairies. Omi is implemented, and you can see the raw results here : https://vogloblinsky.github.io/web-components-benchmark/

I will release soon a blog post explaining in detail that, but i want a feedback of many librairies authors before, to be sure i am not wrong in my implementations.

Source code here : https://github.com/vogloblinsky/web-components-benchmark

Can you have a look and give me some feedbacks ?


dntzhang commented 5 years ago

Great job. Let me see. I'll give you an answer later.

dntzhang commented 5 years ago


jzhng commented 5 years ago

Hi @dntzhang,

Do we have an official benchmark comparing to latest frameworks? Better includes memory usage. I'm going to create a KaiOS template app using omi and may give some share to team later.


dntzhang commented 5 years ago

https://tencent.github.io/omi/packages/omi/examples/perfs/ https://vuejs.github.io/js-repaint-perfs/