TensorSpeech / TensorFlowASR

:zap: TensorFlowASR: Almost State-of-the-art Automatic Speech Recognition in Tensorflow 2. Supported languages that can use characters or subwords
Apache License 2.0
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SimCLR loss for self-supervised speech representation learning #49

Open monatis opened 3 years ago

monatis commented 3 years ago

Hi, Self-supervised pretraining for speech representation is a promising technique for developing ASR in resource-constraint languages with little transcribed data, and SimCLR is applied with success for this purpose in recent papers. Any plan to add support for SimCLR contrastive objective to this package?

Relevant papers

nglehuy commented 3 years ago

@monatis Feel free to contribute any new approaches to this repo 😄 I have many plans, but lack of time to implement. Therefore it would be great if anyone can help this repo grow. (Don't worry, I'm still active for quite a long time, but new methods take time to arrive if only me is the one who implements them).

monatis commented 3 years ago

@usimarit great! I'm trying to fully understand how the whole package comes together to implement the method in the simplest way. PR will come when it's ready. I believe that it'll help add support for many more languages with little transcribed data. Personally, I prepared a large audio-only speech dataset for self-supervised pretraining in Turkish which has only 20-hour transcribed data in the public domain.