Lists are now Campaigns
Campaigns are a collection of mikroacts/events/collectives participating towards a common goal. Still some things to sort out here.
-Creator and only creator of mikroact can edit/delete
-Creator of collective can add other members as admins (who then can edit)
-Collective can be public or private... public- anyone can submit mikroact but its still pre-moderated by admins. private- creator of mikroact must be invited
Create MikroAct
-Need to add Issue Description field
-Need to add tags/perhaps suggested tags
-Remove status. Either active or inactive based on activity (behind the scenes). Call to action becomes a campaign status.
-Defaults to a public mikroact unless it is placed in a private collective
-Need to be able to select a campaign or collective the mikroact is a part of (as an option, not required)
-Location is fixed radius
MikroAct - past basic descriptions above, rich content stream to document comments, photos, galleries, links, etc
Lists are now Campaigns Campaigns are a collection of mikroacts/events/collectives participating towards a common goal. Still some things to sort out here.
Actions -Create, Edit, Delete, Follow Person, MikroAct, Collective, Campaign
Permissions -Creator and only creator of mikroact can edit/delete -Creator of collective can add other members as admins (who then can edit)
-Collective can be public or private... public- anyone can submit mikroact but its still pre-moderated by admins. private- creator of mikroact must be invited
Create MikroAct -Need to add Issue Description field -Need to add tags/perhaps suggested tags -Remove status. Either active or inactive based on activity (behind the scenes). Call to action becomes a campaign status. -Defaults to a public mikroact unless it is placed in a private collective -Need to be able to select a campaign or collective the mikroact is a part of (as an option, not required) -Location is fixed radius
MikroAct - past basic descriptions above, rich content stream to document comments, photos, galleries, links, etc