Terasology / TutorialWorldGeneration

A tutorial on the facet world generation system
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Fix obsolete references on Additional-Facet-Production wiki page #6

Closed Cervator closed 4 years ago

Cervator commented 7 years ago

That wiki page (and maybe others?) still contain outdated references such as to the deprecated Noise2D - the code has since been updated but the snippets not so much.

Potential GCI task! Along with related similar fixes/feedback


Cervator commented 6 years ago

Additional details keeping GCI in mind: we have a bunch of facet, provider, rasterizer, border, etc details all over the place, some out of date. We need to clean that up and get back to having two streamlined sets of content in the wiki, along with more nice screenshots

1) The nice step-by-step tutorial chapters teaching the user how to use the system, but not necessarily the extended details or design reasoning 2) Separate overview pages (like part of https://github.com/Terasology/TutorialWorldGeneration/wiki/Facets-Across-Borders) on various concepts with detail pages going in-depth on specific topics

The 2nd item in particular is important as it is one thing just to learn how to use a facet to make a thing, but a whole other thing to understand how to get from a concept ("I want to seed the world with snowmen made out of several distinct blocks") to finding out how to decompose that into distinct world gen classes.

Is a snowman a facet like the cubic house in the tutorial? Or is it just a piece of logic that sets adjacent blocks like cacti ? If you make a particularly gigantic and complex snowman do you end up designing it as via StructureTemplates instead and placing it dynamically during runtime (instead of during worldgen) much like https://github.com/Terasology/GooeysQuests does it?

Why does StaticCities use facets that decompose houses into discrete parts while DynamicCities uses STs? Why is the cacti part of the old tree generation system, and does it really fit well into the current facet-based approach? Keep in mind some things may seem out of place purely from not having been updated for years, not necessarily because the way it is written right now is the better way.