Tercioo / Details-Damage-Meter

Addon for World of Warcraft, does combat analyzes offering clean visual data for the player
165 stars 117 forks source link

Details Light #718

Open someolguy opened 2 months ago

someolguy commented 2 months ago

For those of us who don't have 9 weeks to read the handbook for how to change the background color Is there a possibility of a simple dps meter coming anytime soon?

Flamanis commented 2 months ago

It is pretty simple. Whats the issue?

someolguy commented 2 months ago

trying to change the background color of the window to none, just a gazillion options and Skada aint ready for cata just yet, so I got 9 hours into trying to figure this out before submitting an issue

someolguy commented 2 months ago

Found the ROWS AREA COLOR finally, jesus effing christ, more options than the game it's self

Flamanis commented 2 months ago

Not really. Most of blizzes options are just hidden as cvars