Following Issue #18
When two or more players have ownership of one character and one of them has the character selected as theirs, the following behaviour is expected:
| Player | Selected Character | Characters Owned |
| P1 | C1 | C1,C2,C3,C4 |
| P2 | C2 | C1,C2,C5 |
| P3 | C3 | C3,C4,C5 |
| P4 | C3 | C3,C4 |
| P5(Offline) | C5 | C5 |
C1 Turn:
P1 is told to be ready
C2 Turn:
P2 is told to be ready
C3 Turn:
P3 & P4 are told to be ready
C4 Turn:
P1, P3, P4 are told to be ready
C5 Turn:
P2 & P3 are told to be ready, because P5 is offline
Following Issue #18 When two or more players have ownership of one character and one of them has the character selected as theirs, the following behaviour is expected: