Closed isihkr closed 5 years ago
Hi, I need more of the output to understand what went wrong. Can you attach a text file with the output before the link that you have sent (i.e. MAX's output)?
also, I have just pushed an update to the code, can you try the new version?
Thanks for your reply! I reinstalled Perl and the bug gone
Hello,I have use matlab2017b,win10/64bit, and i have same error. """ Error using LIDC_xml_2_pmap (line 143) There was a problem executing Max (perhaps the slice spacing or something more serious -- see Max output above). The studyID was 660741147026674947967595590708 and the input file was D:\Dr_foroozan\data\data\input\1\000_1.xmltemp
Error in LIDC_process_annotations (line 234) LIDC_xml_2_pmap(new_xml_paths{i}{j}, new_xml_filenames{j}, pixel_spacing, slice_thickness, [xml_path, filename], studyID); """ please help me to run it ...
Hi Mehdi,
I can't really do much without the full trace from Max (before the error that you quoted. The error that you have described just means that there was a problem executing Max but that could be due to many reasons (including a bad install of the required software).
Thank you for your reply. My problem is this:
Messages produced during the run: INFO[3109] (): Executing version 1.07b (2013-03-27 18:00:00 GMT).
INFO[3110] (): Executing on host DESKTOP-QG42KRL on from directory D:/pezeshki/payan_name/code/lidc/matlab/LIDCToolbox-master
INFO[3201] (): The command line: D:\pezeshki\payan_name\code\lidc\matlab\LIDCToolbox-master\support_software\max-V107b\ --skip-num-files-check --pixel-dim=0.703125 --slice-spacing=2.500000 --files=D:\Dr_foroozan\data\data\input\1\069_1.xmltemp --dir-out=D:\Dr_foroozan\data\data\input\1\max"
FATAL[6307] (in MAX near line 2383): Error in opening the matching XML file (or its directory) for writing D:\Dr_foroozan\data\data\input\1\max"/matching.xml: Invalid argument
INFO[3101] (): Exit from with return code 121 (xmloutfileerror) at .
It appears that there is a problem with the command used to execute Max in Windows, this occurs in the file LIDC_xml_2_pmap.m
I don't have a windows machine to test this on but you should be able to easily correct the command, you just need to trace it back to where this extra " is being added. You can see that Max is trying to write to the directory: D:\Dr_foroozan\data\data\input\1\max"/matching.xml which obviously isn't correct. This must originate from line 130 or 144. It should be simple enough to correct.
Please also post back here the solution so that I can integrate it into the toolbox.
Thank You. My problem solved. In Windows new folder names are not saved with ". And I had not used the "LIDC_xml_2_pmap.m" function with Windows support. For Windows on line 127 it should be as follows:
if strcmpi(computer, 'MACI64') || strcmpi(computer, 'GLNXA64') cmd_str = ['perl "' MAX_path sprintf('" --skip-num-files-check --pixel-dim=%f --slice-spacing=%f --files=''%s'' --dir-out=''%s''', pixel_spacing, slice_spacing, [xml_path xml_filename], [xml_path 'max' filesep])]; else cmd_str = ['perl "' MAX_path sprintf('" --skip-num-files-check --pixel-dim=%f --slice-spacing=%f --files=%s --dir-out=%s', pixel_spacing, slice_spacing, [xml_path xml_filename], [xml_path 'max' filesep])]; end
Hello! I try to run it on matlab2018b, but i got some error:
错误使用 LIDC_xml_2_pmap (line 143) There was a problem executing Max (perhaps the slice spacing or something more serious -- see Max output above). The studyID was 280315210397549164238230581781 and the input file was F:\LIDC\input\LIDC-IDRI-0007\01-01-2000-81781\3000631-57680\1\081_1.xmltemp
出错 LIDC_process_annotations (line 234) LIDC_xml_2_pmap(new_xml_paths{i}{j}, new_xml_filenames{j}, pixel_spacing, slice_thickness, [xml_path, filename], studyID);
Could u pls help me fix it ?