Thangnv24 / TFL

TFL course of Bauman 2023
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Fix Lab1 #1

Open TonitaN opened 11 months ago

TonitaN commented 11 months ago

Problem: corrupted smt2-file syntax


g(x, x) -> h(x, h(x, x))

Broken syntax in smt2 file:

(assert (>= t1 (*  + t5 t4 ))

And there are other problems with the model, please check thoroughly.

TonitaN commented 8 months ago

A similar problem with broken smt2-syntax (paren mismatch):

f(x) -> g(x)

smt2 line with the error:

(assert (>=  t1  (*  t3 t3 ))
TonitaN commented 7 months ago

The first lab still requires fixing. E.g. given the input

f(x) -> g(x)
g(x) -> f(x)

the program constructs the following model

(set-logic QF_NIA)
(declare-fun t0 () Int)
(declare-fun t1 () Int)
(declare-fun t2 () Int)
(declare-fun t3 () Int)

(assert (>=  t1  (*  t3 t3 )))

(assert (>= t0  (+ (* t2  )t2) )))

(assert (and (>= t0 1) (>= t1 0) (>= t2 1) (>= t3 0)))

(assert (or (>  t1  (*  t3 t3 )) (> t0  (+ (* t2  )t2) )) ))

(assert (and (or (> t0 1) (> t1 0)) (or (> t2 1) (> t3 0))))


Besides the bracket mismatch, the assertions are semantically 'strange'. Since the linear terms are only to occur in the model (no compositions are given in the input), but the multiplied coefficients occur.

TonitaN commented 7 months ago

The rewriting lab requires more accurate treating of variables and their substitution. E.g. given the input

x, y
f(t, t)
f(x, y) -> f(y, x)
f(x, x) -> x

In the first step f(t,t) is rewritten to f(y, t) (thus, the variable y is not substituted with t) instead of f(t, t).

Thangnv24 commented 7 months ago

In rewriting lab, variables are distinguished with ',' wirhout space, so input should be:

f(t, t)
f(x, y) -> f(y, x)
f(x, x) -> x

The result:

Step 1: 
f(t, t)
Step 2: 
f(t, t)

In first lab, I did not allow multiple linear terms at the same time, I have fixed it

TonitaN commented 7 months ago

I recommend to use trim methods in such cases, in order to make the input parser more stable.

Thangnv24 commented 7 months ago

I have removed the extra spaces in the variables and in the rules, input like this is accepted:

x,   y, t
f(t, t)
f(x, y) ->   f(y, x)
f(x, x) ->    x
TonitaN commented 7 months ago

Lab1 is now ok! Lab 1-0 still requires some trim methods (despite working ok with the certain spacing), to accept inputs like the following:

f(x,y) -> f(y,x)
f(z,x) -> f(z,z)
TonitaN commented 7 months ago

Note: in the test files in the repo, some spaces between constructor args are already omitted.

TonitaN commented 7 months ago

And still some bugs remain. On the following input, I get the term f(,x) besides the right one.

f(f(x, x), x)
f(x,x) -> f(f(x,x),x)
TonitaN commented 7 months ago

Consider the test

f(f(x, x), x)
f(x,x) -> f(f(x,x),x)
f(x,x) -> h(x)
h(h(x)) -> g(x)

The third rule is processed incorrectly: only the outermost constructor is taken into account. The rules can have an arbitrary nesting both in left- and right-hand sides.

Thangnv24 commented 7 months ago

I fixed the errors, please check

TonitaN commented 6 months ago

Python exception in Lab1-1 on input

f(f(x, x), x)
f(x,y) -> f(y,x)
f(x,f(x,y)) -> f(f(x,x),x)
f(x,y) -> h(x)
h(h(x)) -> g(x)
TonitaN commented 6 months ago

For future (lab2 - I believe you have not yet announced that it is finished, but in case you haven't see the problems): b**bcba**c((a|c)|(a|c))a**b**a**a**c Regex optimized: b*bcba*c(a|c|c)a*b*a*a*c` There we have even two problems: no idempotency transformation for c, and, more critically, semantics change: (a|c)(a|c) and (a|c|c) have different languages.