The-OpenROAD-Project / OpenSTA

OpenSTA engine
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System hangs during full-chip STA with OpenSTA with 15K cells #77

Closed dineshannayya closed 3 years ago

dineshannayya commented 3 years ago

I have hierarchical design with 52K cells, When I am trying to do full chip STA with partial selected 15K design + Block Spef.
I see at timing report command "report_tns", tool takes more than 30g virtual memory + 100% CPU and hang the system. My System has: 32MB DDR4 Memory + Intel 10th version i3 with 4 core + 4 thread

I have give -threads 2, still system hangs .. Any suggestion on how to manages this ?
Is share the our database help ? What is the best approach for top-level STA.

jjcherry56 commented 3 years ago

The only conceivable way to understand your issue is with a complete test case that runs the design. I suggest you try running with 1 thread in case it is an issue with multi-threading.

dineshannayya commented 3 years ago

exp2.tar.gz Attached the complete test case, with scripts, sdc, verilog, spef,lib

include/lib/ ----- Library files include/sdc/ --- sdc file include/netlist/ --- Netlist include/spef/ --- Spef file

sta script: sta.tcl run command: run_cmd

I have tested with latest git files.

Let me know any additional details need to reproduce the issue.

jjcherry56 commented 3 years ago

It is getting lost in what it does not know is power/ground nets used by fillers and pad cells. It could handle it better, but... I am going to guess you wrote the verilog from openroad. If so I suggest you NOT use the -include_pwr_gnd option because the opensta verilog reader does not really respect pg_pins. I would also remove the filler cells with the -remove_cells option.

jjcherry56 commented 3 years ago

There is no liberty definition for the filler cell so it makes black boxes for them with bidirect port, which is a hairball of connections to vdd/vss analogs. Either add a liberty definition for the filler or use set link_make_black_boxes 0 to prevent them from being created.

dineshannayya commented 3 years ago

I see -remove_cells works for removing sky130_fd_sc_hddecap & sky130_fd_sc_hd_diode cells, but it does not detect sky130_fd_sc_hd__fill* & ky130_fd_sc_hdtapvpwrvgnd*

% get_lib_cells sky130_fd_sc_hd__decap*
_e07f1d34bc550000_p_LibertyCell _00841d34bc550000_p_LibertyCell _008b1d34bc550000_p_LibertyCell _90921d34bc550000_p_LibertyCell _209a1d34bc550000_p_LibertyCell _00f52535bc550000_p_LibertyCell _b0fb2535bc550000_p_LibertyCell _40032635bc550000_p_LibertyCell _d00a2635bc550000_p_LibertyCell _60122635bc550000_p_LibertyCell
% get_lib_cells sky130_fd_sc_hd__fill*
Warning: cell 'sky130_fd_sc_hd__fill*' not found.
% get_lib_cells sky130_fd_sc_hd__diode_*
_30e92934bc550000_p_LibertyCell _10573235bc550000_p_LibertyCell
% get_lib_cells sky130_fd_sc_hd__tapvpwrvgnd*
Warning: cell 'sky130_fd_sc_hd__tapvpwrvgnd*' not found.

Is it due to liberty definition missing for fill and tap cells ? what is option remove this cell? I see link_make_black_boxes 0 not helping, with this command linking of the main module itself not working

jjcherry56 commented 3 years ago

get_lib_cells - no liberty, it can't find it. this is a problem with the sky130 libraries

dineshannayya commented 3 years ago

Is -remove_cell option can delete only lib_cells ?, How to delete non-lib module?

jjcherry56 commented 3 years ago

you need to either add a liberty definition or delete the fillers with a tcl script.

jjcherry56 commented 3 years ago

I don't really see why you are using verilog. Why don't you just do the timing in openroad with the database?

dineshannayya commented 3 years ago

I don't see a way to do full chip flat STA with Multiple Hard-macro in Openlane flow. I am using standard method of doing top-level STA with reading Macro verilog + SPEF.