TheAxeDude / ZiniGo

Utility to backup magazines from the Zinio service as PDF, bypassing/Removing their DRM.
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Chrome isn't opening. #12

Closed matheusmaus closed 3 years ago

matheusmaus commented 3 years ago

Error message:

cmd.Run() failed with exec: "google-chrome": executable file not found in %PATH%

I tried in the both ways, using the config.json and via the path [-c=], both result the same error.

What can be my mistake here?

TheAxeDude commented 3 years ago

Hi @matheusmaus

Apologies I only saw this issue today.

Are you running on windows/linux? Off the top of my head, there might be spaces in the path - is the path to chrome wrapped in quotation marks? If you run that command on its own, without zinigo involved, does chrome open?

matheusmaus commented 3 years ago

Hi @TheAxeDude,

No worries, I tried to open Google Chrome only via the path and worked, after that, I tried something else.

I didn't use the Square Brackets in the path, worked flawlessly.

Thanks for your help.