TheCodex6824 / ThaumicAugmentation

A Thaumcraft addon for Minecraft 1.12 that tries to add new content that would fit in with the base mod.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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[SUGGESTION] More decor and some decor changes #111

Open MorzanTLD opened 3 years ago

MorzanTLD commented 3 years ago

This mod has been my lifeblood since the incident. I have some suggestions for some cosmetics based on some struggles and ideas I had while I have been attempting to design a base using only thaumcraft related stuff and vanilla. I'm sorry if the tone comes off as strange or demanding as I am not used to making request posts or any posts.

The border of the starfield glass blocks, while pretty limits my ability to make a pretty starfield wall, ceiling, floor, or flat out a room of pretty starfield. If possible have the block remove the border on the sides that have an adjacent block of the same type. Ideally, this would also be overridden if you hold shift when placing the block.

I would adore the ability to have an arcane stone and amber with the border removed as tiling is sometimes undesirable.

A glowing variant of amber, like in one of the old tc4 mods would be easy to implement and greatly useful as I often use amber with lighting behind it. Perhaps, if you make it with nitor it would also have the nitor slightly visible inside it. Expanding on the nitor being visible, maybe we could have nitor in a jar or simply trapped in a glass block?

With the other light source, having floating candles would be really useful as sometimes finding a good spot or surface to place candles down is hard and a floating variant would help.

I don't know what the rest of the thaumcraft community thought about the silverwood planks texture but I thought that they look god awful and nigh impossible to use in a build. It would look much better if it flowed better by not having a border. This could even be added as an alternate block. I'm not sure whether this suggestion goes against the guidelines or not.

I found it incredibly strange that you added special warded versions of the greatwood, silverwood and thaumium doors and trapdoors. It would make sense that mundane versions of these doors and trapdoors and would have excellent aesthetic applications. Furthermore, maybe we could have voidmetal variants of these as well?

It might be nice to have a way to manufacture ambient grass?

Finally, I quite dislike the current wooden tables added by vanilla thaumcraft as they don't look great if they aren't on their own, perhaps you could add a variant that looks like the old thaumcraft tables?

Thank you for your time. I would attempt to implement or help to implement these if I currently had the ability. Again I apologise if any of this seemed demanding or if I misunderstood what you intended with this mod; essentially continuing tc6.

TechnoMysterio commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your feedback/ideas, I'll cover each part in turn with my thoughts on them. Also, as fair warning, currently the mod isn't really being developed with new content due to real-life providing the usual obstructions that it does, but at the very least we can keep these ideas in mind.

No worries about being overly demanding or whatnot, this feedback has been nicely organized and it's always good to see how people think the mod could be improved in simple ways. I also understand the feeling of having lots of ideas but having no way to implement them, it is a very frustrating position to be in. Personally I'd recommend writing down any miscellaneous ideas you have neatly somewhere, since doing that at least makes you feel like you've done something. I wouldn't recommend doing that with Thaumcraft addon ideas though, as take it from me: it's a vortex you don't want to get stuck in.

MorzanTLD commented 3 years ago
  • For Starfield Glass and it's border, do you have CTM (ConnectedTexturesMod) installed?

  • Silverwood Planks. Again, make sure CTM is installed, that makes the borders not appear around individual blocks, instead neatly forming around full floors/walls.

God, I forgot that was a thing and I didn't think about that mod I've even seen the connected version of Silverwood planks in-game before. Regardless it doesn't (seem to) support arbitrary tiling and would like to see it happen, but yes it is much better. I wonder if that could have been added by the connected textures mod.

  • As for amber/arcane stone seamless tiling, those are a block without CTM support or anything of the sort sadly. While there is probably a way to override the default textures with tileable ones, I'm not a very good artist so I don't know if I would be competent enough to make such textures actually look nice.

With amber and arcane stone, I don't think it would be that difficult to remove the borders from the texture, especially amber. This sounds like something I could try out as I am looking to try and develop some mod development skills and I'm not experienced at art.

  • With Floating Candles, that presents another potentially dodgy situation like with Glowing Amber, since that was a part of the old and, again, dead addon Thaumic Exploration, which was supposed (keyword here) to be eventually ported to the TC6 versions of Thaumic Tinkerer.

Ah, it's a shame how things are with porting things from other mods at least thaumic tinkerer seems to be getting very infrequent updates so it seems possible. Worst case scenario I could use it as additional motivation to make my own mod and take any aggression that may come from ---stealing--- UH... porting other people's work.

I also understand the feeling of having lots of ideas but having no way to implement them, it is a very frustrating position to be in.

At this point, I'm used to it. I've been wanting to make Minecraft mods for years and have barely been making progress on learning though I'm trying to change that.

Personally I'd recommend writing down any miscellaneous ideas you have neatly somewhere, since doing that at least makes you feel like you've done something. I wouldn't recommend doing that with Thaumcraft addon ideas though, as take it from me: it's a vortex you don't want to get stuck in.

It's too late! I've been writing down ideas for absolutely bloated mods and the one for thaumcraft is just the most recent one!

I've already come up with a few more cosmetic ideas:

TechnoMysterio commented 3 years ago

For arbitrary removal of borders in things like Starfield Glass, that would probably require a custom CTM system without using the specific mod to do so, so while possible it probably wouldn't be high on the list of things to do, and that's on top of the already slow development due to stuff in real life.

With making Amber/Arcane Stone CTM textures, it'd likely be harder than you think, because I've had to do similar stuff before with Thaumcraft's textures and it's far too easy to make it look really ugly. If anything a new texture would probably need to be made, but I am not a good pixel artist in the slightest. You're welcome to take a shot at it if you want to though.

I wouldn't hedge your bets on Thaumic Tinkerer, its development is very slow, as is the case with most TC6 addons, which is probably due in big part to how Thaumcraft isn't being developed anymore. A shame, but not much can be done about it sadly.

Finally, regarding your Thaumcraft ideas of your own:

TheCodex6824 commented 3 years ago

So here's my thoughts as part of today's suggestion backlog update (tm):