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motorola-68000-addressing-modes register swap #15

Closed rolsen74 closed 9 months ago

rolsen74 commented 10 months ago

In your blog about 68000 Addressing modes you have swap two regitsers


Address Register Indirect with Index

Assembly syntax: (d8,Dn,An)  <-- Here
EA Mode field: 110
EA Register field: Register number
Extension words: 1


The correct mode is (d8,An,Dn) or (d8,An,Xn) as written in M68000 FAMILY PROGRAMMER’S REFERENCE MANUAL.

You also have it swap in this line..

cmpi.w #0x1111,(0x4,d0,a1)

A few line futher down, you get it correct..

(d8, An, Dn.SIZE)

Anyway thanks for the blog post.. I used it to verify some of my currect work.

lgiordani commented 10 months ago

Blimey! Well, thanks, I completely missed that. I will fix it shortly. Thanks a lot, what are you working on?

rolsen74 commented 10 months ago

I am writting an Amiga Exe Binary file resourcer/disassembler .. basicly turning an exe into assembler source code..

And I'm currently looking into the 68020+ addressing modes. .. And I used your blog to verify my 68000 modes

lgiordani commented 9 months ago

Thanks! I fixed it. And congrats for the resrc4 project, very nice!