TheFantasticWarrior / chrome-extension-imagus

"Mirror" of the "Mirror" of the official Imagus source hosted on Google Drive. currently taking a break on this project
200 stars 7 forks source link

Please add information to the extension description on AMO и Github #74

Open kuzn123 opened 1 month ago

kuzn123 commented 1 month ago

Some inexperienced Imagus Mod users don't know about Reddit or for some reason can't register there or use this site. They install Imagus Mod and often immediately get banned from a particular site because of a known problem - "G" in the "Press to block site..." parameter. After that they just may delete Imagus Mod and give it a low rating because they don't know how to solve this problem...

So I would like to ask you to add a small paragraph with information on how to quickly solve this problem - in the release notes on Github, as well as in the extension notes on AMO.

The text could be something like this (as in the FAQ, p.19):

NB! Immediately after installation, it is necessary in the Settings on the “Shortcuts” tab in the "Press to block site..." parameter change "G" to something much more complex, for example, "CTRL+SHIFT+G" (to avoid random blocking of sites).