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GameGuru MAX - Idea - Player Behaviors #2916

Open MonkeyFrogStudio opened 2 years ago

MonkeyFrogStudio commented 2 years ago

This idea/request is for a set of Player specific Behaviors that the end-user could attach to a player to customize them as they see fit. These Player Behaviors would be designed to work together so that more than one could be used together and they would only work with the player. This would allow the end-user to add custom features to the player for their game such as:

The idea here is that these could be expanded upon at anytime by anyone. And the end-user could just drag-n-drop whichever ones they want onto the Player to customize the Player experience for their game. This would also keep things well categorized. So, instead of a long list of sliders and tick boxes to scroll through to find what you want to adjust for the player (i.e. all the hard-coded stuff), you just click on the appropriate Player Behavior and make adjustments there. For example, if you want to adjust how long your player can run/sprint, you open the Run/Sprint Player Behavior and adjust it.

A system like this would further allow end-users to make totally unique games with GameGuru MAX that would break the mold that all GameGuru games are the same.

Necrym59 commented 2 years ago

A great idea and i agree with it, but this would mean multiple global 'always active' lua files to operate for the player or anything else for that matter, this in itself would have to be addressed as i noted in otherwise conflict may occurr and slowdowns result. I beleive it could be overcome or else all these options would have to be piled into the playercontrol script which i personnaly dont think would be a good idea. Player specific add on abilities is a great idea but more has to be exposed/available via lua to enable it. Some things wont need this for example i have a night vision script this is enabled for the player when he picks up the night goggles, he then has that night vision capability, (but that particular scripts full functionalty is limited until all the environmental set commands are available in lua.) Player run/sprint however should be in the playercontrol script. A stealth script i have also already done but at present it has work around limitations and would be better if more exposed lua commands available and a lot of thought put into what stealth functions are required eg infiltration/spy or just low detection overall or in certain areas etc so some of these low level functions also could be added to playercontrol and others supplied via an addon scripts. But the whole point is to make the experience user friendly so users dont have to dive into scripts to adjust them just use sliders etc. and let the scripts work behind the scenes.