TheJacksonLaboratory / ExperimentalModelSchema

Experimental Model Schema
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Inaccurate definition of measurement methods and incorrect units #15

Open hansenp opened 1 year ago

hansenp commented 1 year ago

In MPD there are many measurements that were not actually measured but calculated from other measurements in the database, such as fold changes or increases in body weight over certain periods of time. For such calculated database entries, the values in the method column were typically retained and, in some cases, the units were not adjusted accordingly.


For the Attie2 project, mice from the fourth week of life were treated with a high-fat, high-sucrose diet and their body weight was measured weekly. If the measurements for the Attie2 Project are filtered to those that have body weight in the Procedure/Protocol column (in the database this column is called method) a total of four categories of measurements remain.


The first category contains the results of the body weight measurements in the different weeks. The second category contains values calculated from these measurements, which represent the increase in body weight compared to the first week of diet, i.e. increase in grams per one week of diet, increase in grams per two weeks of diet, etc. In addition, the increase in body weight in the 17th week of the diet compared to the 10th week of the diet was calculated (category 3). Finally, as part of a glucose tolerance test, an additional measurement of body weight was performed at week 14 of the diet (category 4). A g is given as the unit in all cases, even though the values from categories 2 and 3 refer to specific time periods.

In MPD, there are therefore several measurements for the different weeks of life, which could be interpreted as body weight. For example, for the 21st week of life, three different measurements with the procedure/protocol body weight and unit g are available for each mouse, which only differ in their values, variable names and descriptions. Here are the corresponding distributions of the values of female mice from the project Attie2 for measurements of category 1, 2, and 3:

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The values from the different categories are in different ranges. Information from the variable names and descriptions is required for correct interpretation, but these cannot be processed automatically because their formatting does not follow a uniform schema.

To illustrate the problem with the inconsistent formatting, here are all variable names and descriptions of measurement informations that have body weight in the Procedure/Protocol (method) column:

bw_27wks_HFD: body weight at 27 wks of age, HFD
wt_mon6: weight at 6 months, 
pctbwA_d3: body weight as percent of baseline, 10 FFU group, post-infection day 3
bw_end: body weight, end
bw_post: body weight, after exercise
bw_85: body weight, bw_85 wks
bw_8: body weight, 8-9wks
bw_57: body weight, bw_57 wks
wkN_deriv: estimated 1st derivative of body weight, age 1wk to age 16wks (16 phenotypes), 
bw_16wks_HFD: body weight at 16 wks of age, HFD
bw_16wks: body weight, 16 wks after
bw_83: body weight, bw_83 wks
bwavg: body weight average, 
bw_before: body weight before testing, 
bw_18wk: body weight after diet, wk 18
bw_11wks_CD: body weight at 11 wks of age, CD
pctbwA_d2: body weight as percent of baseline, 10 FFU group, post-infection day 2
BW: body weight, naive (local parameter), 
BW_diff: body weight, difference
pctbwB_d4: body weight as percent of baseline, 2000 FFU group, post-infection day 4
bw_d1_ctrl: body weight day 1, control group
bw_23wks_CD: body weight at 23 wks of age, CD
bw_resp_HIIT: body weight, response to 4 wks of treatment, high intensity group
pctbwC_d3: body weight as percent of baseline, 200,000 FFU group, post-infection day 3
bw_d0: body weight, post infection, day 0
bw9: body weight, at age 9 wks
bw_d3_after: percentage of starting body weight, day 3 after session
bw_12wks_CD: body weight at 12 wks of age, CD
gr_adult_ctrl: growth rate, age 11 to 20 wks, control diet
pctbw_ctrl_d2: body weight as percent of baseline, control (saline) group, post-i.p. day 2
bw_d1_after: percentage of starting body weight, day 1 after session
bw_chg_wk11v1: change in body weight after diet (compared to wk 1), wk 11
bw_12: body weight, 12-13wks
bw_15wks_HFD: body weight at 15 wks of age, HFD
bw_20wk: body weight after diet, wk 20
bw_19wk: body weight, at age 18-19wks
weight2_1: weight at end of study, 1
bw_d2: body weight, post infection, day 2
bw_7wk: body weight after diet, wk 7
bw_chg_wk13v1: change in body weight after diet (compared to wk 1), wk 13
bw: body weight at testing, 
pctbw_trt_d2: body weight as percent of baseline, infected group, post-infection day 2
pctbwB_d3: body weight as percent of baseline, 2000 FFU group, post-infection day 3
bw_9: body weight, 9-10wks
bw_20: body weight, 20-21wks
bw_chg_wk16v1: change in body weight after diet (compared to wk 1), wk 16
bw_14mo: body weight, 14 mo
Bw5: mouse body weight at week 5, 
bw_d13: body weight, post infection, day 13
bw16: body weight, at age age 16wks
bw03: body weight, at age 3 wks
bw_chg_wk9v1: change in body weight after diet (compared to wk 1), wk 9
bw_chg_wk15v1: change in body weight after diet (compared to wk 1), wk 15
bw_5wk: body weight after diet, wk 5
bwchg_iso10: fold change in body weight over testing period, isoprot 10mg
bw_erg: body weight (at time of electroretinography), 
bw_d21_VDD: body weight at weaning, vitamin D-deficient diet
bw_dxa_12wks_chow: body weight (at time of DXA) at 12 wks of age, chow
BMI: body mass index (BMI), 
pctbwA_d14: body weight as percent of baseline, 10 FFU group, post-infection day 14
bw_after: body weight after testing, 
bw_d0: body weight, starting
Pre-Diet-bwt: body weight as measured at the beginning of the 10-day phenotyping period., 
bwchg_16_trt: percent change in body weight, age 16wks vs. 8wks, treated
bw_basal_HFD: body weight prior to basal activity test, at 23 wks of age, HFD
bw_10mo: body weight, 10 mo
pctbwC_d4: body weight as percent of baseline, 200,000 FFU group, post-infection day 4
kidney_wt_r_chow: kidney (right) weight, chow
weight1_6: weight at begining of study, 6
bw_oGTT: body weight at time of oral glucose tolerance test (~14 wks on diet), 
bw_pre_gluc_kinetic_CD: body weight prior to glucose kinetic test, at 20 wks of age, CD
bw_29wks_HFD: body weight at sacrifice, 29 wks of age, HFD
BW1: body weight, 
bw_6wks_chow: body weight at 6 wks of age, chow
40wk: body weight at 40 wks of age (if alive, mice were sacrificed when determined to be diabetic 2 wks in a row), 
bw_20wks_CD: body weight at 20 wks of age, CD
pctbw_ctrl_d3: body weight as percent of baseline, post i.p. day 3
bw_sac_CD: body weight at sacrifice, 29 wks of age, CD
bw_chg: body weight, change
bw12wk: body weight at week 12, 
kidney_wt_l_hfhs: kidney (left) weight, hfhs
pctbw_trt_d4: body weight as percent of baseline, 10 FFU group, post-infection day 4
BW_2_tce: body weight, t=2h (local parameter), 
pctbwB_d11: body weight as percent of baseline, 2000 FFU group, post-infection day 11
bw_chg_wk3v1: change in body weight after diet (compared to wk 1), wk 3
pctbwB_d10: body weight as percent of baseline, 2000 FFU group, post-infection day 10
kidney_wt_l_chow: kidney (left) weight, chow
weight1_4: weight at begining of study, 4
wt_mon12: weight at 12 months, 
bw_59: body weight, bw_59 wks
bw_d21_PD: body weight at weaning, protein-deficient diet
bw6: mouse body weight at week 6, 
bw_29: body weight, bw_29 wks
bw_wk5_exer: body weight after 5 wks of testing, exercise
bw_base_HFHS: body weight, baseline, HFHS group
bw_wk2_exer: body weight after 2 wks of testing, exercise
bw_d60_ME: body weight at start of testing, methyl-enriched diet
bw8_ctrl: body weight on control diet, at age 11 wks
bw_start: body weight at start of testing, 
bw_d12: body weight, post infection, day 12
bw_abr: body weight (at time of ABR test), 
bw_20: body weight, 20 wks, 
bw_20wks_HFD: body weight at 20 wks of age, HFD
pctbw_trt_d13: body weight as percent of baseline, infected group, post-infection day 13
bw_24: body weight, 24 wks, 
bw_14wk: body weight after diet, wk 14
bw_end_trt: body weight at end of testing, DB289
bw_change_ctrl: fold change in body weight over testing period, control
bw_17wks_HFD: body weight at 17 wks of age, HFD
bw_12wks_HFD: body weight at 12 wks of age, HFD
bwchg_12_trt: percent change in body weight, age 12wks vs. 8wks, treated
bw_d42_def: body weight, day 42
bw_end_ctrl: body weight at end of testing, control
bw_d23: body weight, post infection, day 23
pctbw_trt_d14: body weight as percent of baseline, 10 FFU group, post-infection day 14
pctbwA_d11: body weight as percent of baseline, 10 FFU group, post-infection day 11
bw_12wk: body weight after diet, wk 12
log_bw: body weight, log transformed, 
bw_12_13wks: body weight, 12-13 wks
bw9wk: body weight at week 9, 
pctbwC_d10: body weight as percent of baseline, 200,000 FFU group, post-infection day 10
bw_8_9wks: body weight, 8-9 wks
pctbw_trt_d11: body weight as percent of baseline, 10 FFU group, post-infection day 11
bw12_ctrl: body weight on control diet, at age 15 wks
bw_d45: body weight, post infection, day 45
bw_OFT: body weight before test (local parameter), 
bw_start_trt: body weight at start of testing, DB289
bw_4wks_hfhs: body weight at 4 wks of age, hfhs
pups_gain: average daily litter weight gain of cross-fostered pups, days 1-8, 
bw_25wks: body weight, 25 wks after
pctbw_trt_d13: body weight as percent of baseline, 10 FFU group, post-infection day 13
bw_14wks_CD: body weight at 14 wks of age, CD
bw12d: body weight at day 12, 
bwchg_ctrl: fold change in body weight over testing period, control
pctbw_trt_d9: body weight as percent of baseline, infected group, post-infection day 9
bw_d34: body weight, post infection, day 34
bw_ogtt_CD: body weight prior to oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), 17 wks of age, CD
bw_post_gluc_kinetic_HFD: body weight after glucose kinetic test, at 20 wks of age, HFD
pctbw_d7: body weight as percent of baseline, post-infection day 7
bwchg_10_ctrl: percent change in body weight, age 10wks vs. 8wks, control
bw09: body weight, at age 9 wks
bw_resp_HFD: body weight prior to respiration test, 16 wks of age, HFD
bw_dxa_12wks_hfhs: body weight (at time of DXA) at 12 wks of age, hfhs
pctbw_trt_d1: body weight as percent of baseline, infected group, post-infection day 1
Bw3: mouse body weight at week 3, 
bw_change_hi: change in body weight, post-infection, dose group: high
pctbw_trt_d2: body weight as percent of baseline, 10 FFU group, post-infection day 2
pctbw_trt_d5: body weight as percent of baseline, infected group, post-infection day 5
bw_necr_chow: body weight at necropsy, chow
bwchg_18_ctrl: percent change in body weight, age 18wks vs. 8wks, control
bw_change: body weight change (bw end minus bw start), 14-16wks of age, 
bw_16: body weight, 16-17wks
bwnec_ctrl: body weight at necropsy (local parameter), 
bw_d30: body weight, post infection, day 30
bw_avg_before: percentage of starting body weight, average before session
bw_10wks_chow: body weight at 10 wks of age, chow
bw4_hifat: body weight on high-fat diet, at age 7 wks
bw8: body weight, at age age 8wks
bw_19wk: body weight after diet, wk 19
bw_HFC: body weight, high-fat cholic acid diet
pctbw_trt_d4: body weight as percent of baseline, infected group, post-infection day 4
bw_ctrlgrp: body weight pre-infection, control group
bw_pre: body weight, before exercise
bw_21wks_CD: body weight at 21 wks of age, CD
bw_8: body weight, 8 wks, 
bw_14_15wks: body weight, 14-15 wks
bw_81: body weight, bw_81 wks
bw_3_cont: body weight at 7-9 wks of age, control
bw8: body weight, at age 8wks
bw_16: body weight, 16 wks, 
bw_start: body weight at start of testing, all cohorts combined, 
bw6wk: body weight at week 6, 
bw: body weight on day 2, 
bw_30wks_chow: body weight at 30 wks of age, chow
bw_6_7wks: body weight, 6-7 wks
pctbw_d3: body weight as percent of baseline, post-infection day 3
Body_weight: body weight of mouse, 
gr_juvenile_ctrl: growth rate, age 4 to 10wks, control diet
bw_d120: body weight, ending
pctbwB_d13: body weight as percent of baseline, 2000 FFU group, post-infection day 13
bw_d3: body weight, post infection, day 3
pctbw_trt_d10: body weight as percent of baseline, infected group, post-infection day 10
bw_22wks_hfhs: body weight at 22 wks of age, hfhs
bw_7wks_hfhs: body weight at 7 wks of age, hfhs
pctbwC_d8: body weight as percent of baseline, 200,000 FFU group, post-infection day 8
bw_resp_ctrl: body weight, response after 2 wks of treatment, control group
bw_d20_def: body weight, day 20
bw_19wks_basal_HFD: body weight, prior to basal activity test, at 19 wks of age, HFD
wt_mon4: weight at 4 months, 
bw_d2_after: percentage of starting body weight, day 2 after session
bw_d8: body weight, post infection, day 8
bw2_ctrl: body weight on control diet, at age 5 wks
bw_griptest: body weight, 
bw_4mo: body weight, 4 mo
bw_2_cont: body weight at 6-8 wks of age, control
bw_d4_trt: body weight day 4, isoniazid
bw_cont_post: body weight, placebo group, post-treatment
bw_start_exer: body weight at start of testing, exercise
bw_26wks_CD: body weight at 26 wks of age, CD
bw3_ctrl: body weight on control diet, at age 6 wks
bw_D0: body weight pre-infection (day 0), 
weight1_7: weight at begining of study, 7
Body_weight: body weight measured at 20 wks, 
pctbw_trt_d11: body weight as percent of baseline, infected group, post-infection day 11
pctbw_trt_d8: body weight as percent of baseline, 10 FFU group, post-infection day 8
wt_mon3: weight at 3 months, 
bw_8mo: body weight, 8 mo
bwchg_at: fold change in body weight over testing period, atenolol 10mg
bw_Rx_post: body weight, treatment group, post-treatment
bw_29wks_CD: body weight at sacrifice, 29 wks of age, CD
BW_chg_control: change in body weight, control
bw: body weight at the start of testing, 
finalbw: body weight, after 8wks on diet
bw_17: body weight, 17-18wks
BW: Body Weight, 
bw4: body weight, at age 4 wks
bw_18wks_chow: body weight at 18 wks of age, chow
bw_change: body weight, difference
weight2_3: weight at end of study, 3
spleen_wt_chow: spleen weight, chow
bw_180: body weight, at age 180 days
bw_start_lo: body weight, pre-infection, dose group: low
BW_24_ctrl: body weight, t=24h (local parameter), 
bw_33: body weight, bw_33 wks
bw_treadmill2_HFD: body weight, prior to second treadmill training, at 25 wks of age, HFD
bw_8wk: body weight after diet, wk 8
bw: body weight, pre-infection, 
BW_8_tce: body weight, t=8h (local parameter), 
pctbwC_d7: body weight as percent of baseline, 200,000 FFU group, post-infection day 7
bw4_ctrl: body weight on control diet, at age 7 wks
WK3: weight at week 3, 
bw_pre_gluc_kinetic_HFD: body weight prior to glucose kinetic test, at 20 wks of age, HFD
bw_8wks: body weight, 8 wks after
bw_ctrl: body weight, control diet
bw_chg_PD: body weight change (start of testing minus weaning), protein-deficient diet
BW_end_control: final body weight, control
EARLY: weight gain from 3-6 weeks, 
bw_wk4_ctrl: body weight after 4 wks of testing, control
bw_grip_fluox: body weight at time of grip strength test, fluoxetine
weight2_6: weight at end of study, 6
bw6: body weight, at age 6 wks
bw_pc2_hfhs: body weight, principal component 2, at 10 to 20 wks of age, hfhs
pctbw_trt_d12: body weight as percent of baseline, infected group, post-infection day 12
WK6: weight at week 6, 
bw_in: body weight, start
bw_dxa_21wks_hfhs: body weight (at time of DXA) at 21 wks of age, hfhs
bw16_hifat: body weight on high-fat diet, at age 19 wks
bw05: body weight, at age 5 wks
bw_130: body weight, bw_130 wks
BW_24_tce: body weight, t=24h (local parameter), 
pctbwC_d1: body weight as percent of baseline, 200,000 FFU group, post-infection day 1
bw_9wks_HFD: body weight at 9 wks of age, HFD
bw_basal_CD: body weight prior to basal activity test, at 23 wks of age, CD
bw_treadmill_CD: body weight, treadmill test, CD
body_weight2: body weight (at sac), 
bw_13wk: body weight, at age 12-13wks
bw_10wks_hfhs: body weight at 10 wks of age, hfhs
bw_3wks_chow: body weight at 3 wks of age, chow
bw8: body weight, at age 8 wks
pctbw_trt_d6: body weight as percent of baseline, 10 FFU group, post-infection day 6
pctbwC_d2: body weight as percent of baseline, 200,000 FFU group, post-infection day 2
bw_4_cont: body weight at 10-12 wks of age, control
bw_8wks_hfhs: body weight at 8 wks of age, hfhs
wkN: raw body weight, age 1wk to age 16wks (16 phenotypes), 
NH4Cl_bwavg: average body weight during NH4Cl test (local parameter), 
bw_120: body weight, at age 120 days
WK10: weight at week 10, 
bw_2_fluox: body weight at 6-8 wks of age, fluoxetine
bw13: body weight, at age 13 wks
bw_dxa: body weight (at time of DXA), 
bw5: body weight, at age 5 wks
bw_5wks_hfhs: body weight at 5 wks of age, hfhs
bw_sac: body weight after diet, wk 22
Post-diet-Bw: body weights as measured at the end of the 10 day phenotyping period., 
bw_wk3_exer: body weight after 3 wks of testing, exercise
bw04: body weight, at age 4 wks
pctBW_d7: body weight as percent of baseline, post-infection  day 7
bwchg_14_trt: percent change in body weight, age 14wks vs. 8wks, treated
bw_out: body weight, end
bw_26wks_chow: body weight at 26 wks of age, chow
pctbwC_d12: body weight as percent of baseline, 200,000 FFU group, post-infection day 12
bw_start_ctrl: body weight at start of experiment, control group
bw_d3_before: percentage of starting body weight, day 3 before session
CaCl2_bwavg: average body weight during CaCl2 test (local parameter), 
bw_post_HP: body weight, post-diet, HP group
pctbw_d1: body weight as percent of baseline, post-infection day 1
Bleed_Wt: weight at time of bleeding, 
bw_3wk: body weight after diet, wk 3
bw_treadmill_HFD: body weight, treadmill test, HFD
mean_body: mean of the body weight in each line, 
bw_vp: body weight at vaginal patency, 
bw6_ctrl: body weight on control diet, at age 9 wks
pctbw_trt_d6: body weight as percent of baseline, infected group, post-infection day 6
bw_4_fluox: body weight at 10-12 wks of age, fluoxetine
BW_8_ctrl: body weight, t=8h (local parameter), 
bw_coldtest_HFD: body weight prior to cold response test, 21 wks of age, HFD
bw_5_fluox: body weight at 11-13 wks of age, fluoxetine
wt_mon10: weight at 10 months, 
bw1_hifat: body weight on high-fat diet, at age 4 wks
pctbwB_d8: body weight as percent of baseline, 2000 FFU group, post-infection day 8
bw_d60_PD: body weight at start of testing, protein-deficient diet
bw_pre: body weight prior to testing, 
pctbw_ctrl_d1: body weight as percent of baseline, post i.p. day 1
bw_8wks_CD: body weight at 8 weeks of age, CD
bw_104: body weight, bw_104 wks
bw_HFHS: body weight, HFHS
bw20_ctrl: body weight on control diet, at age 23 wks
pctbwA_d9: body weight as percent of baseline, 10 FFU group, post-infection day 9
bw_DR: body weight, DR diet
bw_start_ctrl: body weight at start of experiment, no exercise group
bw_4wks_chow: body weight at 4 wks of age, chow
bw_AL: body weight, control
bw15: body weight, at age 15 wks
bw_d2_before: percentage of starting body weight, day 2 before session
pctbw_trt_d18: body weight as percent of baseline, 10 FFU group, post-infection day 18
bw_5wks_chow: body weight at 5 wks of age, chow
pctbw_trt_d18: body weight as percent of baseline, infected group, post-infection day 18
bw_d2: body weight for ethanol study, day 2
bw_12: body weight, 12 wks, 
bw_start: body weight, start
pctbwA_d1: body weight as percent of baseline, 10 FFU group, post-infection day 1
bw_d1_before: percentage of starting body weight, day 1 before session
bw_17wks_CD: body weight at 17 wks of age, CD
bw_d22: body weight, post infection, day 22
bw_change: percent change in body weight, day 4 post-infection, 
bw_8wks_chow: body weight at 8 wks of age, chow
pctbwA_d5: body weight as percent of baseline, 10 FFU group, post-infection day 5
bw_14wks_MRI_HFD: body weight measured by EchoMRI, HFD
LATE: weight gain from 6-10 weeks, 
bw_90: body weight, at age 90 days
bw_d14: body weight, post infection, day 14
bw14: body weight, at age 14 wks
bw1_ctrl: body weight on control diet, at age 4 wks
pctbwC_d14: body weight as percent of baseline, 200,000 FFU group, post-infection day 14
spleen_wt_hfhs: spleen weight, hfhs
bw_d84_def: body weight, day 84
bw8_hifat: body weight on high-fat diet, at age 11 wks
pctbw_ctrl_d2: body weight as percent of baseline, post i.p. day 2
bw_30: body weight, at age 30 days
bw_11: body weight, 11-12wks
bw_chow: body weight, chow
pctbw_trt_d12: body weight as percent of baseline, 10 FFU group, post-infection day 12
bw08: body weight, at age 8 wks
bw_60: body weight, at age 60 days
bw_chg: body weight change from 30 to 180 days (fold change), 
bw_8wks_HFD: body weight at 8 weeks of age, HFD
bw_chg_wk7v1: change in body weight after diet (compared to wk 1), wk 7
wt_mon8: weight at 8 months, 
pctbwB_d14: body weight as percent of baseline, 2000 FFU group, post-infection day 14
bw12: body weight, at age 12 wks
BW_end_wheel: final body weight, with running wheel
bw_gtt: body weight (at time of glucose tolerance test), 
bw_d87: body weight, post infection, day 87
bw_M06: body weight, at age 6mo
weight1_1: weight at begining of study, 1
bw_28wks_HFD: body weight at 28 wks of age, HFD
pctbwC_d11: body weight as percent of baseline, 200,000 FFU group, post-infection day 11
wt_mon5: weight at 5 months, 
bw_22wks_HFD: body weight at 22 wks of age, HFD
weight17: body weight of rat in week 17, 
bw_3_fluox: body weight at 7-9 wks of age, fluoxetine
gr_neonatal_ctrl: pre-weaning (1-3 wks) growth rate, control group
bw_after_fast: body weight, after 16h fast
pctbwA_d12: body weight as percent of baseline, 10 FFU group, post-infection day 12
bw_sac_HFD: body weight at sacrifice, 29 wks of age, HFD
bw_change_fold: fold change in body weight over testing period, difference
bw_chg_wk6v1: change in body weight after diet (compared to wk 1), wk 6
bw_end_HIIT: body weight at after 4 wks of treatment, high intensity group
pctbw_ctrl_d1: body weight as percent of baseline, control (saline) group, post-i.p. day 1
bw_d28_def: body weight, day 28
bw_trtgrp: body weight pre-infection, treated group
bw_cont_pre: body weight, placebo group, pre-treatment
bw_change_trt: fold change in body weight over testing period, DB289
pctbw_ctrl_d3: body weight as percent of baseline, control (saline) group, post-i.p. day 3
pctbw_trt_d10: body weight as percent of baseline, 10 FFU group, post-infection day 10
bw_21wks_sac_CD: body weight at sacrifice, CD
bw_19wks_basal_CD: body weight, prior to basal activity test, at 19 wks of age, CD
bw16_ctrl: body weight on control diet, at age 19 wks
bw_M18: body weight, at age 18mo
bw16: body weight, at age 16 wks
wt_mon7: weight at 7 months, 
bwchg_18_trt: percent change in body weight, age 18wks vs. 8wks, treated
bw_14wks_chow: body weight at 14 wks of age, chow
gr_neonatal_hifat: pre-weaning (1-3 wks) growth rate, high-fat diet group
bw_bp_CD: body weight prior to non-invasive blood pressure, 19 wks of age, CD
pregnancy_load: percent increase in maternal body weight during pregnancy to E14.5 days, 
bw_17: body weight, at age 16-17wks
bw_avg_after: percentage of starting body weight, average after session
bw_chg_wk8v1: change in body weight after diet (compared to wk 1), wk 8
weight2_5: weight at end of study, 5
pctbwB_d1: body weight as percent of baseline, 2000 FFU group, post-infection day 1
bw_24wks_HFD: body weight at 24 wks of age, HFD
bw_25wks_CD: body weight at 25 wks of age, CD
bw_4wksBef: body weight, 4 wks before
bw_d17: body weight, post infection, day 17
pctbwA_d4: body weight as percent of baseline, 10 FFU group, post-infection day 4
bw_16wks_CD: body weight at 16 wks of age, CD
bw_14wks_HFD: body weight at 14 wks of age, HFD
bw12_hifat: body weight on high-fat diet, at age 15 wks
bw_wk4_exer: body weight after 4 wks of testing, exercise
bw6_hifat: body weight on high-fat diet, at age 9 wks
pctbw_trt_d8: body weight as percent of baseline, infected group, post-infection day 8
bw_grip: body weight (at time of grip strength test), 
bw_bp_HFD: body weight prior to non-invasive blood pressure, 19 wks of age, HFD
bw06: body weight, at age 6 wks
bw_change_med: change in body weight, post-infection, dose group: medium
bw_18wks_hfhs: body weight at 18 wks of age, hfhs
EBW: empty body weight, 
bw_chg_wk2v1: change in body weight after diet (compared to wk 1), wk 2
bw_0wks: body weight, 0 wks after
heart_wt_chow: heart_wt, chow
bw_start_hi: body weight, pre-infection, dose group: high
bw_26wks_HFD: body weight at 26 wks of age, HFD
bw_pc1_chow: body weight, principal component 1, at 10 to 20 wks of age, chow
wt_mon9: weight at 9 months, 
bw_18wks_CD: body weight at 18 wks of age, CD
wt_mon13: weight at 13 months, 
bw_d21_ME: body weight at weaning, methyl-enriched diet
bw: body weight at start of experiment on day 1, 
bw_chg_wk14v1: change in body weight after diet (compared to wk 1), wk 14
bw_18wks_HFD: body weight at 18 wks of age, HFD
pctbw_trt_d5: body weight as percent of baseline, 10 FFU group, post-infection day 5
pctbwB_d12: body weight as percent of baseline, 2000 FFU group, post-infection day 12
heart_wt_hfhs: heart_wt, hfhs
NaCl_bwavg: average body weight during NaCl test (local parameter), 
Bw6: mouse body weight at week 6, 
bw_start: body weight, test start
bw_4_5wks: body weight, 4-5 wks
bw_chg_wk4v1: change in body weight after diet (compared to wk 1), wk 4
bw_change: body weight, fold change
pctBW_d3: body weight as percent of baseline, post-infection  day 3
bw_8_trt: starting body weight, treatment group
bw_d20: body weight, post infection, day 20
bw_d60: body weight, post infection, day 60
bw_21wks_HFD: body weight at 21 wks of age, HFD
bw_chg_wk10v1: change in body weight after diet (compared to wk 1), wk 10
bwA: body weight pre-infection, 10 FFU group
bw_base_HP: body weight, baseline, HP group
bwchg_iso1: fold change in body weight over testing period, isoprot 1mg
BW_2_ctrl: body weight, t=2h (local parameter), 
bw_14wks_MRI_CD: body weight measured by EchoMRI, CD
bw_d3: body weight for ethanol study, day 3
pctbw_trt_d7: body weight as percent of baseline, 10 FFU group, post-infection day 7
bw_1_fluox: body weight at 4-6 wks of age, fluoxetine
bw_abr: body weight, 
bw_d56_def: body weight, day 56
bw_11wks_HFD: body weight at 11 wks of age, HFD
bw_necr_hfhs: body weight at necropsy, hfhs
bw_10wk: body weight after diet, wk 10
pctBW_d1: body weight as percent of baseline, post-infection  day 1
pctbwB_d9: body weight as percent of baseline, 2000 FFU group, post-infection day 9
bw_10wks_HFD: body weight at 10 wks of age, HFD
bw_27wks_CD: body weight at 27 wks of age, CD
bw_presac_CD: body weight at pre-sacrifice, 29 wks of age, CD
bw: body weight after testing, 
bw_post_gluc_kinetic_CD: body weight after glucose kinetic test, at 20 wks of age, CD
bw_pc1_hfhs: body weight, principal component 1, at 10 to 20 wks of age, hfhs
30wk: body weight at 30 wks of age (if alive, mice were sacrificed when determined to be diabetic 2 wks in a row), 
bw_chg_wk12v1: change in body weight after diet (compared to wk 1), wk 12
bw_d4_ctrl: body weight day 4, control
bw_d21_STD: body weight at weaning, standard diet
pctbwA_d7: body weight as percent of baseline, 10 FFU group, post-infection day 7
bw_d70_def: body weight, day 70
Bw4: mouse body weight at week 4, 
bw_8wks_HFD: body weight at 8 wks of age, HFD
bw_d1_trt: body weight day 1, treatment group
bw_coldtest_CD: body weight prior to cold response test, 21 wks of age, CD
bw_start_wheel: body weight at start of experiment, wheel access
bw_16mo: body weight, 16 mo
bw_25wks_HFD: body weight at 25 wks of age, HFD
bw_start: body weight, 6-8wks of age, 
bw_fat8: body weight, 
bw20_hifat: body weight on high-fat diet, at age 23 wks
bw_28wks_CD: body weight at 28 wks of age, CD
pctbwB_d5: body weight as percent of baseline, 2000 FFU group, post-infection day 5
bw_treadmill1_CD: body weight, prior to first treadmill training, CD
bw_change: body weight, percent change
bw_d4: body weight, post infection, day 4
bw2_hifat: body weight on high-fat diet, at age 5 wks
bw_treadmill1_HFD: body weight, prior to first treadmill training, HFD
kidney_wt_r_hfhs: kidney (right) weight, hfhs
BMI_log: body mass index (BMI), log transformed, 
bw_d77_def: body weight, day 77
body_weight: body weight (at time of DXA), 
bw10: body weight, at age 10 wks
bw_end_MICT: body weight at after 4 wks of treatment, moderate intensity group
weight2_2: weight at end of study, 2
bw_d10: body weight, post infection, day 10
bw_12mo: body weight, 12 mo
bw_d75: body weight, post infection, day 75
weight1_2: weight at begining of study, 2
bw_26wks_hfhs: body weight at 26 wks of age, hfhs
pctbw_trt_d3: body weight as percent of baseline, 10 FFU group, post-infection day 3
bwB: body weight pre-infection, 2000 FFU group
pctbw_trt_d14: body weight as percent of baseline, infected group, post-infection day 14
bw_end_ctrl: body weight after 2 wks of treatment, control group
bw_wk1_ctrl: body weight after 1 wk of testing, control
bw_end: body weight at end of testing, 
bw_d60_STD: body weight at start of testing, standard diet
bw_4wk: body weight after diet, wk 4
bw16: body weight, at age 16wks
bw_31: body weight, bw_31 wks
bw_6wks_hfhs: body weight at 6 wks of age, hfhs
weight1_3: weight at begining of study, 3
bw_24wks_CD: body weight at 24 wks of age, CD
Carcass_WT: body weight of mouse carcass at week 26, 
bw_chg_wk5v1: change in body weight after diet (compared to wk 1), wk 5
BW_chg_wheel: change in body weight, with running wheel
weight2_7: weight at end of study, 7
bw_15wks_CD: body weight at 15 wks of age, CD
pctbw_trt_d30: body weight as percent of baseline, 10 FFU group, post-infection day 30
bw_4wks: body weight, 4 wks after
bw_22wks_chow: body weight at 22 wks of age, chow
bw_end: body weight, test end
bw_start_ctrl: body weight at start of testing, control
bwchg_12_ctrl: percent change in body weight, age 12wks vs. 8wks, control
bw_d9: body weight, post infection, day 9
KCl_bwavg: average body weight during KCl test (local parameter), 
pctbw_trt_d9: body weight as percent of baseline, 10 FFU group, post-infection day 9
bw_21wk: body weight after diet, wk 21
Bw-gain: gained body weight after diet (difference), 
bw_18_19wks: body weight, 18-19 wks
bw_8_ctrl: starting body weight, control group
BW: body weight of whole mouse at time of DXA, 
pctbw_trt_d3: body weight as percent of baseline, infected group, post-infection day 3
bw3_hifat: body weight on high-fat diet, at age 6 wks
bw_presac_HFD: body weight at pre-sacrifice, 29 wks of age, HFD
bw_150: body weight, at age 150 days
pctbwC_d9: body weight as percent of baseline, 200,000 FFU group, post-infection day 9
pctbwC_d13: body weight as percent of baseline, 200,000 FFU group, post-infection day 13
bw_resp_ctrl: body weight, response to 4 wks of treatment, no exercise group
pctbwC_d6: body weight as percent of baseline, 200,000 FFU group, post-infection day 6
wt_mon11: weight at 11 months, 
bw_d26: body weight, post infection, day 26
bw7: body weight, at age 7 wks
pup_wt_d3: pup body weight at day 3, 
pctbw_trt_d1: body weight as percent of baseline, 10 FFU group, post-infection day 1
bw_16wks_ogtt_HFD: body weight loss following 16h fast, prior to oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), 16 wks of age, HFD
bw_6mo: body weight, 6 mo
bw_dxa_21wks_chow: body weight (at time of DXA) at 21 wks of age, chow
bw07: body weight, at age 7 wks
bw_2wk: body weight after diet, wk 2
bw_4: body weight, 4 wks, 
bw_log: body weight after testing, log transformed, 
bw_end_ctrl: body weight at after 4 wks of treatment, no exercise group
bw_treadmill2_CD: body weight, prior to second treadmill training, at 25 wks of age, CD
bw_15wk: body weight after diet, wk 15
bw: whole body weight, with head, 
bw_19wks_HFD: body weight at 19 wks of age, High fat diet
bw_13wks_CD: body weight at 13 wks of age, CD
bwd70: body weight at day 70, 
bw_d60_VDD: body weight at start of testing, vitamin D-deficient diet
Weight: body weight, 
bw_resp_wheel: body weight, response after 2 wks of treatment, wheel access
bw_chg_wk17v10: change in body weight after diet (compared to wk 10), wk 17, 
bw_21wks_sac_HFD: body weight at sacrifice, HFD
bw_change_lo: change in body weight, post-infection, dose group: low
bw_diet: body weight, after 12wks on diet
bw_chg_VDD: body weight change (start of testing minus weaning), vitamin D-deficient diet
gr_juvenile_hifat: growth rate, age 4 to 10wks, high-fat diet
bwchg_10_trt: percent change in body weight, age 10wks vs. 8wks, treated
pctbwB_d6: body weight as percent of baseline, 2000 FFU group, post-infection day 6
bw_M12: body weight, at age 12mo
bw_pc2_chow: body weight, principal component 2, at 10 to 20 wks of age, chow
bw_10_11wks: body weight, 10-11 wks
bw_19wks_HFD: body weight at 19 wks of age, HFD
bw_grip_cont: body weight at time of grip strength test, control
bw_d6: body weight, post infection, day 6
bw_14wks_hfhs: body weight at 14 wks of age, hfhs
bw_16wks_ogtt_CD: body weight loss following 16h fast, prior to oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), 16 wks of age, CD
bwchg_16_ctrl: percent change in body weight, age 16wks vs. 8wks, control
pctbwA_d8: body weight as percent of baseline, 10 FFU group, post-infection day 8
bw_chg: body weight, fold change
pctbw_trt_d7: body weight as percent of baseline, infected group, post-infection day 7
bw_30wks_hfhs: body weight at 30 wks of age, hfhs
bw3wk: body weight at week 3, 
pctbwA_d10: body weight as percent of baseline, 10 FFU group, post-infection day 10
pctbwA_d6: body weight as percent of baseline, 10 FFU group, post-infection day 6
pctbwA_d13: body weight as percent of baseline, 10 FFU group, post-infection day 13
bw_resp_MICT: body weight, response to 4 wks of treatment, moderate intensity group
BW_fat: body weight, high-fat diet
bw_6wk: body weight after diet, wk 6
pctBW_d12: body weight as percent of baseline, post-infection  day 12
bw_11wk: body weight after diet, wk 11
bw_chg_wk17v1: change in body weight after diet (compared to wk 1), wk 17
bw_19wks_CD: body weight at 19 wks of age, CD
pctbwB_d7: body weight as percent of baseline, 2000 FFU group, post-infection day 7
weight11: body weight of rat in week 11, 
bw_21: body weight, at age 20-21wks
bw_9wks_CD: body weight at 9 wks of age, CD
bw_17wk: body weight after diet, wk 17
initbw: body weight, start
bw_55: body weight, bw_55 wks
body_weight_gtt: body weight (at time of glucose tolerance test), 
bw_d27: body weight, post infection, day 27
body_weight: body weight, 
bw: body weight at dissection, 
bw_end_wheel: body weight after 2 wks of treatment, wheel access
BW: body weight, 
bw_LFHP: body weight, low-fat high-protein diet
bw_14: body weight, 14-15wks
Weight: weight, 
bw_sac: body weight (at sac), 
bw_2wks: body weight, 2 wks after
bw_start_med: body weight, pre-infection, dose group: medium
bw: body weight, 
bw_chg_ME: body weight change (start of testing minus weaning), methyl-enriched diet
bw_13: body weight, 13-14wks
bw_Rx_pre: body weight, treatment group, pre-treatment
bw_5_cont: body weight at 11-13 wks of age, control
weight2_4: weight at end of study, 4
bw_8wks_CD: body weight at 8 wks of age, CD
bw_chg: body weight, fold change after testing
wt_slope: best-fit linear weight change 3-13 months (7 values required), 
bw_17_18wks: body weight, 17-18 wks
bw_20wks: body weight, 20 wks after
bw_7wks_chow: body weight at 7 wks of age, chow
BW: body weight, control diet
bw_wk2_ctrl: body weight after 2 wks of testing, control
bw_wk5_ctrl: body weight after 5 wks of testing, control
bw_13wks_HFD: body weight at 13 wks of age, HFD
pctbwC_d5: body weight as percent of baseline, 200,000 FFU group, post-infection day 5
bw: body weight, end of testing (local parameter), 
bw_2mo: body weight, 2 mo
bw_26wks: body weight, 26 wks after
bw_23wks_HFD: body weight at 23 wks of age, HFD
bwC: body weight pre-infection, 200000 FFU group
B_wght: mouse body weight, 
bw_chg_STD: body weight change (start of testing minus weaning), standard diet
bw3: body weight, at age 3 wks
bw: body weight, baseline
bw_9wk: body weight after diet, wk 9
bw_wk3_ctrl: body weight after 3 wks of testing, control
bw_d49_def: body weight, day 49
bw_start_HIIT: body weight at start of experiment, high intensity group
bw_before_fast: body weight, before fast
bw_1wk: body weight after diet, wk 1
bw_10wks_CD: body weight at 10 wks of age, CD
bw: body_weight, 
bw_d35_def: body weight, day 35
bw_post_HFHS: body weight, post-diet, HFHS group
pctbwB_d2: body weight as percent of baseline, 2000 FFU group, post-infection day 2
bw_22wks_CD: body weight at 22 wks of age, CD
bw_16wk: body weight after diet, wk 16
bw11: body weight, at age 11 wks
bw_ogtt_HFD: body weight prior to oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), 17 wks of age, HFD
bw_1_cont: body weight at 4-6 wks of age, control
bw_log: body weight, log transformed, 
bwnec_hifat: body weight at necropsy (local parameter), 
bwchg_14_ctrl: percent change in body weight, age 14wks vs. 8wks, control
weight1_5: weight at begining of study, 5
bw: body weight on test day (local parameter), 
bw_griptest: body weight (at time of grip strength test), 
wkN_sm: smoothed body weights, age 1wk to age 16wks (16 phenotypes), 
bw_13wk: body weight after diet, wk 13
bw_3wks_hfhs: body weight at 3 wks of age, hfhs
bw_d11: body weight, post infection, day 11
bw_resp_CD: body weight prior to respiration test, 16 wks of age, CD
logbwd70: body weight at day 70, log transformed, 
pctbw_trt_d30: body weight as percent of baseline, infected group, post-infection day 30
gr_adult_hifat: growth rate, age 11 to 20 wks, high-fat diet
bw_wk1_exer: body weight after 1 wk of testing, exercise
bw_start_MICT: body weight at start of experiment, moderate intensity group
BodyWeight: mouse body weight, 
bw_d63_def: body weight, day 63
bw_d1: body weight for ethanol study, day 1