window.DefineScript('bug', {features: {drag_n_drop: true, grab_focus: true}});
function on_drag_drop(action, x, y, mask) {
console.log('enter', action);
function on_drag_over(action, x, y, mask) {
if ((mask & 32) === 32) {action.Effect =;}
function on_drag_leave() {
const dropEffect = {
none: 0,
copy: 1,
move: 2,
link: 4,
scroll: 0x80000000
Console will always report on_drag_leave firing when pressing alt, instead of on_drag_drop. It works properly for all other effects. The drag n drop sample doesn't work too.
Win 10.
Console will always report on_drag_leave firing when pressing alt, instead of on_drag_drop. It works properly for all other effects. The drag n drop sample doesn't work too. Win 10.