Open ezronis opened 4 years ago
Hello Shylee & Jules,
The answers to your responses are in blue below.
1.The profile contains some fields we need to use for matches. Do both mentors and mentees get asked about learning tracks? Yes. We try and focus first on the tracks to help align them with our program. For industry, do mentees also fill out this field? Yes/No.. More like we ask them what industry they are interested in. Our hope was to use that interest to help them be guided by their mentor.
2.Can you confirm this list of learning tracks? Project Management - check IT – check IT Help Desk Support – check Quality Assurance - check Cyber Security - check Data Analytics - check
3.Does profile need salutation, i.e. Mr, Mrs, Ms, etc.? No
4.For surveys, are there questions mentors would be asked that mentees would not (and vice versa)? We’ve been basing it off a sample Tedd provided us with early on. A majority of the questions asked are for both Mentor & Mentee to fill out. I believe some might not work with mentees like the “what industries have you worked in”. Can you share the sample questions.
5.We had discussed at some point finding out preferences for mentors/mentees on the basis of groups they identify with. Do we want to include that and if so what language should we use? How about nationalities/ethnicities? I am going to need help answering this question. Does anyone want to take a jab at this question.
6.How do you define cohorts? Cohort is defined like their class/group they started program with. How many cohorts run in each cycle? 1 cohort per cycle How many cycles are there a year? 2 cycles in a year
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