Have to create drag and droppable , edge-node mapping . There are mind-mapping app examples https://reactflow.dev/learn/tutorials/mind-map-app-with-react-flow . Guys we need something to present . Also this graphical view is the prominent feature in this version . prio:high . have to find what languages can do this, and for what cost !! (resources )
@2k2TharushaBandara and @Tharushi after your first job , join to this issue !! @HasinduNimesh will be taking the lead.
Have to create drag and droppable , edge-node mapping . There are mind-mapping app examples https://reactflow.dev/learn/tutorials/mind-map-app-with-react-flow . Guys we need something to present . Also this graphical view is the prominent feature in this version . prio:high . have to find what languages can do this, and for what cost !! (resources )
@2k2TharushaBandara and @Tharushi after your first job , join to this issue !! @HasinduNimesh will be taking the lead.