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Team Issue #6

Open F1nnC opened 6 months ago

F1nnC commented 6 months ago
Crossover Score Runtime Plan Github analytics
.83 Live Plan link commits
name crossover score runtime key commits analytics
Finn Carpenter 0.85 Bars Sorting Table, Fib Code Bars, Sorting Frontend Profile, Frontend, Backend
Justin Nguyen 0.88 leaderboard fixed sorting, built leaderboard, update leaderboard functionality, leaderboard issue Profile, Frontend, Backend
Theo Huntalas 0.85 Sorting Frontend - Linking to Backend, Backend - Inheritance and Sorting Handling Profile, Frontend, Backend
name video
Finn Video
Justin Video
Theo Video
aliyatang commented 6 months ago

Individual Review "Aliya T" grading "Finn C"

Individuals Video, Issue(s), Commits(s)

Score: 0.85/0.9

vivianknee commented 6 months ago

Individual Review "Vivian Ni" grading "Theo Huntalas"

Per check. 0.55 not attempted/no check 0.7 attempted, incoomplete, but some runtime 0.8 mastery and runtime 0.9 above and beyond.

Freeform comment.


vivianknee commented 6 months ago

Team Review "AVK Team - Vivian" grading "JTF Team -Finn"

Team Review ticket containing key Team and individual contributions


DasMoge124 commented 6 months ago

Individual Review "Kevin: grading "Justin"

Individuals Video, Issue(s), Commits(s)

0.88 Successful integration in the backend and evidence of effort.

Improvements: Make the sorting results display Make the feature less simple and sorted by highest times. SASS, make the sass a lot simpler