ThisIsRudigo / firebaseauth

Firebase authentication library - a node js wrapper around the Firebase REST API
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Error 17006, The given sign-in provider is disabled #24

Closed DmytroYashchenko closed 11 months ago

DmytroYashchenko commented 11 months ago

Hello! Today Auth stopped working. When I try to verify phone number (by calling PhoneAuthProvider.provider().verifyPhoneNumber method) I always receive error: "The given sign-in provider is disabled for this Firebase project. Enable it in the Firebase console, under the sign-in method tab of the Auth section." Of course phone sign-in provider is enabled it in the Firebase console, and all regions are enabled for sms verification. Actually - everything worked like a charm and we didn't make any changes, but today it suddenly started to throw the error. One more detail we found - for US numbers it works correctly, but for UA (Ukraine) numbers - it produces the error. We have tried to add Ukraine to the list of regions for sms verification directly - no effect. Please help, we have tried everything... It looks like a bug((

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