ThomasMZheng / Proteomics-BQC

All of the work done while a part of the Richards Lab will be here
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Get the pheontypic data to split the SomaData by sex and infection #6

Closed ThomasMZheng closed 11 months ago

ThomasMZheng commented 11 months ago

As mentioned in #8 , I need to link the phenotypic data with the VAP code. The proteomic dataset uses the VAP code as the subject ID, so I need to create a lookup table that links the VAP code to the age, sex, and infection of the patient through the BQC.

Using the Vcode_map (.xlsx), we can link the BQCID to the VAP code

Using the redcap (.csv), we can link the BQCID to the sex, age, and infection status

ThomasMZheng commented 11 months ago

8 Created a "shrunk" map for the Vcode_map, which removes all entries that were not sent for core analysis, and removed duplicate BQC IDs that were after the initial draw. - Might want to include this data afterwards.

Duplicates were still present until "Extract" was also filtered by "Y".

Removed one duplicate BQC -> VAP was the same for both Removed on entry BQC -> NULL

ThomasMZheng commented 11 months ago

8 Created a lookup table named "Phenotype-BQC-VAP_Map.csv" which links each VAP number with the BQC ID, and the phenotype data of "Sex, COVID Status, Age".