Title: Jet characterization in the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere (UTLS): applications to climatology and transport studies
DOI:https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-11-6115-2011Status: In progress of validation with Dr. Gloria Manney
Type: Jet-core Algorithm
Validate the diagonal-check logic
Metric description
“For a given “slice” (i.e., a 2-D section in some horizontal and some vertical coordinate; for present applications we use latitude and the vertical coordinate of the meteorological dataset), all maxima in windspeed that occur at pressure levels between 400 and 100 hPa are identified in 2-D. An up- per tropospheric jet is defined to exist wherever there is a windspeed maximum greater than 40 ms−1; the boundaries of the jet region are the points surrounding that (in both horizontal and vertical directions) where the windspeed drops below 30 ms−1.”
Title: Jet characterization in the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere (UTLS): applications to climatology and transport studies DOI: https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-11-6115-2011 Status: In progress of validation with Dr. Gloria Manney Type: Jet-core Algorithm
Metric description
“For a given “slice” (i.e., a 2-D section in some horizontal and some vertical coordinate; for present applications we use latitude and the vertical coordinate of the meteorological dataset), all maxima in windspeed that occur at pressure levels between 400 and 100 hPa are identified in 2-D. An up- per tropospheric jet is defined to exist wherever there is a windspeed maximum greater than 40 ms−1; the boundaries of the jet region are the points surrounding that (in both horizontal and vertical directions) where the windspeed drops below 30 ms−1.”
Known problems