ThomazPom / Moz-Ext-UltimaDark

Web Extension that uses agressive technique to get dark mode everywhere
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Sometimes sites fallback to base html when UltimaDark is enabled #46

Open Vintagemotors opened 6 months ago

Vintagemotors commented 6 months ago

My leading theory for the moment is that cookie popups are somehow involved but I will continue trying to find a way to consistently reproduce.

Adding: Example first load image

The critical error from the console: Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: googletag.pubads().enableLazyLoad is not a function load UPDATE: stackoverflow is fixed.

Happened here too: UPDATE: superuser is fixed. error is: Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: googletag.pubads().enableLazyLoad is not a function load

ThomazPom commented 6 months ago

Congrats ! You just found out the oldest and most persistent bug of UltimaDark ! googletag.pubads().enableLazyLoad error has nothing to see with this. I'ts something due to charset used by some resource at some point. I'm also searching how to reproduce it consistently, thank you for your investigations !

Vintagemotors commented 6 months ago

So is there an existing issue I should merge this with?

Vintagemotors commented 6 months ago

New log message

Logs UltimaDark is loaded Window ​ "$E": function m(a)​ "$RC": function a(a, b, c)​ "$RM": Map(0) ​ "$RefreshReg$": function Y()​ "$RefreshSig$": function $RefreshSig$()​ Env: Object { isCQuick: false, jssp_header_sent: false, jssp_targeting_enabled: false, … } ​ ErrorGuard: Object { applyWithGuard: applyWithGuard(a, b, c, d), guard: guard(a, b), inGuard: inGuard() , … } ​ ErrorSerializer: Object { aggregateError: c(a, b), toReadableMessage: d(a), toStringParams: f(a) } ​ ErrorUtils: Object { history: [], applyWithGuard: applyWithGuard(a, b, d, e, f, g), guard: guard(a, b, d) , … } ​ FB_enumerate: function k(a, b)​ I_AM_CORE_COOKIE_INFRASTRUCTURE_AND_NEED_TO_ACCESS_COOKIES: function I_AM_CORE_COOKIE_INFRASTRUCTURE_AND_NEED_TO_ACCESS_COOKIES() ​ MAX_CALLS_TO_EXEC: undefined ​ ScheduleJSWork: function ScheduleJSWork(a)​ TimeSlice: Object { PropagationType: {…}, guard: guard(a, c), copyGuardForWrapper: copyGuardForWrapper(a, b) , … } ​ UDarkOverrideRemoteContent: function UDarkOverrideRemoteContent() ​ __DEV__: 0 ​ __FB_STORE: Object { "Event.listeners": {…} } ​ __SSRFailJestOnError: function C(a)​ __annotator: function e(a, b, c)​ __bodyWrapper: function g(a, b, c)​ __d: function __d(a, b, c, d, e)​ __fbNativeCancelAnimationFrame: function from cancelAnimationFramePolyfill() ​ __fbNativeClearInterval: function clearInterval() ​ __fbNativeClearTimeout: function clearTimeout() ​ __fbNativeRequestAnimationFrame: function from nativeRequestAnimationFrame() ​ __fbNativeSetInterval: function setInterval() ​ __fbNativeSetTimeout: function setTimeout() ​ __invalidateSSR: function q(a) ​ __isReactFizzContext: true ​ __logSSRQPL: function t(a)​ __m: function __m(a, b) ​ __onAfterModuleFactory: null ​ __onBeforeModuleFactory: null ​ __onSSRPayload: function x(a, b)​ __onSSRViewportGuessValidation: function u(a)​ __t: function __t(a)​ __w: function __w(a)​ _btldr: Object { YTRL02s: 1, 9CgCgq3: 1, e6Ld7No: 1, … } ​ _fbq: function fbq()​ addLoadEventListeners: function addLoadEventListeners(a) ​ as_float: true ​ babelHelpers: Object { createClass: createClass(b, c, d), inheritsLoose: inheritsLoose(a, b), wrapNativeSuper: wrapNativeSuper(a) , … } ​ breakpages: false ​ checkDomEdit: false ​ copyVariables: function copyVariables(a)​ dataElement: Githubissues.
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